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  1. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    If the only limitation is that a character has to know about the plants they're creating, that spell can still do basically anything, which means no one ever needs to learn any other spell for any reason. We make up new magic plants with arbitrary new powers all the time, and it's not hard for...
  2. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles

    Golems of Nevermore Sinnvane I have recently delved Nevermore looking for additional sources of blue mana to prepare myself further for my return to Spindlesap Forest. The spiders of that fell place are frequently ambush predators, and those which are not tend to swarm. Sensory powers shall...
  3. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Definitely don't make a spell that's bad for the setting and just hope no one uses it. If you're struggling to define spells, hexes are usually easier.
  4. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Oh, this is a good point. I was only thinking of mundane trees and shrubberies and such, but we haven't been shy about making up magic plants with useful properties. Specifying that they're non-magical plants should fix that problem and also leaves obvious additional spells for growing various...
  5. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    The PlantLife spell makes me kind of nervous, I don't like the difficulty to learn or cast a spell being dissociated from its mana requirement, it adds a bunch of variables to spellcasting that we aren't really keeping track of. Like, to the extent that people are keeping track of spell fatigue...
  6. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles

    Glowing Lotus At Cammendale Sinnvane Sourcing the plantlife of the Great Glintwood Forest has traditionally been difficult even in close proximity to it, on account of the untamed and magically saturated nature of that wood, as well as its not inconsiderable distance from the academy making it...
  7. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    And that post is...unambiguously a dimension-hopping log unilaterally attaching our setting to Lovecraft's. If you want to RP in Lovecraft's setting, make a thread for that, don't ram a portal to 1920s Boston into a thread about wizards in a secondary fantasy world just because a shoggoth got...
  8. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    While I was adding my new post, I realized I never added Sunsmiter's application spells to the lore thread. This has been fixed.
  9. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles

    Concerning Blackthorn Pass Sinnvane Scarcely had I returned to the academy before I was informed of the unfolding situation of the Blackthorn Pass. It is, of course, the chaos apprentices who are to blame, to no one's great surprise. I have been forced to forestall the oversight of construction...
  10. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Sure, go ahead.
  11. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Not especially, but I'm hoping to get a post up tomorrow. At some point I'm not really solving IRL problems by spending more time on them, just worrying about them to nobody's benefit.
  12. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles

    Blackthorn Pass Travel Advisory Sinnvane As a professional courtesy, I wish to advise all academates that the Blackthorn goblins are acting up once again. Whilst riding from Balgamor to the Academy to deliver my latest findings on Spindlesap Forest, I was ambushed by five goblins who, in the...
  13. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    This got posted while I was still working on the Atlas/Grimoire update, so I'm circling back to it now. The straightforward thread rules problem is that you're not supposed to define multiple spells at once unless they're all mono-quiddity, so you should cut out the 1P/1G spell and paste it...
  14. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    I've edited Mystrise's description and added links where they're available. I'm nervous that eventually these hexes will get referenced and even overhauled by multiple different posts and that might make it difficult to find a single post that aptly describes the current state of the location...
  15. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Idea is correct, but just to have it officially from the GM: Yes, you can't have spells from opposing quiddities, and yes, just like the map is only blank because we haven't made it up yet, the spell book is only blank because we haven't invented all the spells yet. If you're defining...
  16. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Yeah, that's fine. I wanna be really clear that images are not a problem, the problem is that adding illustrations to every single post, even of totally unexceptional creatures and locations, means both that the images will frequently be garbage and that it says a lot about a character's...
  17. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    If you can find an illustration of the rotting horror, sure, but I don't want to have to be constantly policing whether the illustrations make any sense at all for Nyarloi to have bothered with when it would be easier to just not have them.
  18. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    The problem isn't that images are being used at all. The problem is that they're being used in a way that accomplishes nothing and is clearly indicative of having been ripped out of a Google Image search in thirty seconds. Why would Nyarloi bother to get an illustration of the cathedral if it...
  19. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    Just because you can come up with excuses why a fantasy setting would look and feel exactly like modern email doesn't mean you should. It's not like the cathedral has a particularly visually complex layout that would be difficult to communicate in words.
  20. ChamomileHasWords

    Fantasy Arcane Epistles - Character Sheets and OOC

    You don't. There is no formatting of that image that would be appropriate in an in-character document.