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  1. Here2Write

    Fandom For Harry Potter Fans (M/F)

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  2. Here2Write

    Fandom Friendship and Pokemon (IC w/ Azurian Dream)

    "Finally!" She exclaimed, a freshly determined glint in her eyes. Kai had her mother's eyes and father's personality. Though Kai Cho never liked seeing Pokemon in pain either. But catching, battling, training...It was in her blood. Her father, Pokemon Professor Saru Cho, had even captured three...
  3. Here2Write

    Fandom Friendship and Pokemon (IC w/ Azurian Dream)

    Kai Cho Lisa Cho (Mother) Saru Cho (Father) It was Kai Cho's eleventh birthday. And she couldn't have been more excited. In the Yohana Region, eleven-year-olds could go off on Pokemon adventures! Now it was Kai Cho's turn. She couldn't have imagined a better birthday present then...
  4. Here2Write

    Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!

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  5. Here2Write

    Fandom For Harry Potter Fans (M/F)

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  6. Here2Write

    Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!

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  7. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Also like Ketuik, Ina wrinkled her nose at the smell. She had no idea how the Humans could stand such smelly and noisy machines that did nothing but destroy everything in their path. Ina flincked her tail in annoyance. Besides being the most beautiful clan member, she was also very strong and a...
  8. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Name: Ina Age: 22 Gender: Female Species: Forest Na'vi Height: 9' 19" Clan: Unknown Rank: Gatherer Personality: Quiet, Intelligent, Observant, Loyal, Kind, Protective Spirit Animal: Forest Banshee Personal Story: Ina is one of the most beautiful of the clan and seems to have captured Charuk's...
  9. Here2Write

    Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!

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  10. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Humans...Humans were obsessed with machines. From the tiniest to the largest. They had stripped their world clean and were now working their way across Pandora. Only the Na'vi knew and understood their world. Some Na'vi more then others. This rumor of Humans nearby troubled Rylu as she sat with...
  11. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Having just bit into her fruit, Rylu swallowed slowly, wiping away the juice that had dripped down her chin, twitching her ears. She shook her head, shrugging a little. "I don't know." She answered honestly, not having heard. Being only ten, her mother and father kept her innocence. Especially...
  12. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    "'Bye." She called after him and departed. Animals were scared to this clan. After all, Eywa had created them. Though the clan did on occasion, consume Teylu. Mostly they ate Teylu on special and rare occasions. Taya had returned from her Meditation. The lead family of the Clan chose fruits to...
  13. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Hearing the new voice, Rylu looked over at who had appeared. It was Inirhai. "Very funny." She stuck her tongue out at him and flicked her tail. "Where did you find that?" She wondered, wandering over to Inirhai to see what he was holding in his arms. She blinked when saw what it was. "Wait...
  14. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Every Na'vi on the moon of Pandora worshiped Eywa. Some simply more then others. But there was one clan who lived and guarded the Soul Tree Sites that the Humans were destroying for the Unobtanium in the ground. This Clan lived by the Three Laws of Eywa and took their duties to her very...
  15. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    Name: Taya Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Species: Forest Na'vi Height: 7' 21" Clan: Unknown Rank: Middle Daughter of Tomak and Karu Mate: None Personality: Happy, Kind, Loyal, Innocent Spirit Animal: Direhorse Personal Story: Having just turned sixteen, Taya is at the age where she...
  16. Here2Write

    Fandom Souls of the Forest (IC w/ CoconutMilk)

    This Clan, though small in numbers, lives amongst Soul Trees, traveling from place-to-place in the Forests and Jungles of Pandora. Going wherever Eywa guides them. The take the Three Laws of Eywa very seriously and live a minimalist life-style. They also prefer to live a vegetarian diet...
  17. Here2Write

    Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!

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  18. Here2Write

    Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!

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  19. Here2Write

    Fandom It's Time for a Pokémon Adventure!

    Greetings and Salutations fellow Pokémon fans! You may call me H2W for short if you wish. First, about me as a Roleplayer and what I am looking for in my potential partners: 1. Please be active. 2. Be courteous. 3. I ONLY write M/F romance-pairings. 4. Romantic content MUST be kept at the PG...
  20. Here2Write

    Fandom For Harry Potter Fans (M/F)

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