Search results for query: *

  1. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    “THUD! BAM!” Soleil woke up to a crash, followed by the slam of a door. Disgruntled at the loud noise, he sat up on the bed, blanket pooling around his waist. Who on earth… Checking his scroll, Soleil saw that it was almost time for him to wake up. Since I’m already up, I might as well get...
  2. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    “Yes my bad luck is truly…something. I’ll have to hope it gets better from here on out.” Letting out a sigh, Soleil rubbed the back of his neck. Getting knocked over once would be one thing, but three times… Only up from here I guess. Listening to the rest, Asher’s next words caught his...
  3. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Hearing Asher’s apology, Soleil accepted it with a small nod, tail continuing to twitch slightly. There was no point in crying over spilled milk. Livi’s response was a little…odd, but well-meaning. She had quite the temper, given all the threats, or perhaps that was standard practice where she...
  4. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    “Oh, I didn’t mean to call you short, but I’ll keep it in mind. Nice to meet you Livi.” When Soleil heard her mention the groupings, he opened his scroll to check. Sure enough, the group’s name had been changed to S.S.Y.L., and Livi’s name was listed at the very bottom of the team members...
  5. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Soleil began to take the bandages out of his bag, when he spotted a faint glow. Looking up, he saw the other girl - he didn’t quite catch her name - hovering her hands over Sangriella’s wounds, and to his surprise, they seemed to be visibly healing. Impressive. He was about to say hi when a...
  6. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Waiting near the finish line, Soleil looked over at the course. He was surprised to see Sangriella stumbling off the stage, before crawling under the barbed wire with the boa on. Unfortunately, the feathery scarf got caught on the wire. As he watched her untangle it, she appeared to have...
  7. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Waiting under the tree, Soleil watched as a few more students trickled into the garden. He was a little perplexed that no one had shown up yet. The garden is getting ful-his train of thought was interrupted by a sudden sneeze, which was strange given the lack of wind. All of a sudden, his...
  8. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Looking over the girl who pulled his tail, Soleil saw that she did look remorseful at having pulled his tail. He’d just have to pick his resting points with more consideration in the future, it seemed. Shaking his head, he replied, “It’s fine, you didn’t mean to do it. Sangriella, is it? That’s...
  9. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Mmm, it's nice and warm up here, perfect temperature for a- "Ack!" The sudden pull on his tail made him lose his balance, sending him rolling off the tree branch. Thankfully, he instinctively righted himself midair, and dropped to the grassy floor soundlessly. What the hell was that for? Tail...
  10. Jumping Fish

    Fandom RWBY re: reboot alternate

    Taking in his surroundings, Soleil glanced down at the map again. Yep, this seems to be the place. The other students gathered here seemed to be similarly confused, so at least he wasn't alone. Though he wasn't sure why the gathering point was a garden of all places, he wasn't complaining. The...
  11. Jumping Fish

    Introduce Yourself!

    Heyo, Fish here!