Search results for query: *

  1. MasterWaffles

    Fantasy American Nightmare - The Manifest Disaster

    John Carter Abbett, September 28, 1859 Travel in the wetlands of Georgia was perilous enough in daylight; there was plenty enough to kill quickly as there was to kill a man nice and slow. Ravenous animals where no match for Johns's knife, but the bugs were poisonous and/or carried sickness. John...
  2. MasterWaffles

    Fantasy American Nightmare - The Manifest Disaster

    John Carter Abett was at the prime of his youth, age twenty-three, about six foot with curly short black hair, abnormally long arms for his height, green eyes, and built like a bison - hairy and muscular. At the best of times, he was one of the finest Texas Rangers of his day; until he had to...
  3. MasterWaffles

    Fandom Magic 3.0

    Improvements where made!
  4. MasterWaffles

    Multiple Settings Just a Nerd looking for an RP Partner - Reply or PM or DM

    9010974 --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: #7DCB45; --bg-color: #213F0B; --fontFamily: 'New Rocker'; --fontSize: 22px; --tab-hover-color: #B4E194; --tab-hover-bg: #4C8325; --tab-select-color...
  5. MasterWaffles

    Fandom Magic 3.0

    9010974 font --tabStyle: row wrap; --contentStyle: column nowrap; --tab-txt-align: center; --tab-txt-color: #622569; --bg-color: #b8a9c9; --fontFamily: 'Press Start 2P'; --fontSize: 18px; --tab-hover-color: #5b9aa0; --tab-hover-bg: d6d4e0...
  6. MasterWaffles

    Introduce Yourself!

    Here ye, Here ye! Now introducing MasterWaffle, a simple creative outlet for a person to practice writing and have fun. Once a long time ago, a young MasterWaffle practiced the creative arts in a place called the Quizialla Forums. MasterWaffles is over a quarter of a century old, likes the SiFi...