A little bit about me as I have never really explained myself here. Hi, I'm Akasha, a 30+ Female from Canada. Woot Woot! Anyways, I have been writing since I was 13, way back on yahoo chat rooms and would roleplay as a backstreet boy girlfriend. Yes, totally lame, but also totally awesome. I...
Good Afternoon!!
I am a 30+ Canadian female on EST time with so much time on my hands that I would like to start a roleplay with someone here! I am literate with some grammatical errors (I just bought Grammarly), so I should be much better now. I love in-depth stories, building worlds, having...
I know right!! It was just.... it got to much. I put it down by book 17 and was like ugh.... although every 32 books of Dark series I have read and devoured!!!
LOVE christine Feehan, I have a request up for that. Ever interested in doing doubles for it let me know. Im thinking the Dark Series. Anita Black got way to sexual by the end.
Very intriguing!!! Im sure this will be grabbed by someone soon, I personally like romance in my roleplay not just all plot and drama. I wish you luck. Just wanted to say this sounds pretty cool tho!
Michelle smiles to him "Of course, Robert, nice to meet you." She waits for tho, he seems to be needing a moment to get his composer, but that is very common with men when they first meet her, so she stands there as he eyed her up and down. All she does is held there for his inspection, and once...
It was a typical Monday morning for most people in central London as Michelle looked out her apartment window. She runs her finger along the pane of the window like she is tracing the rain droplets down to the bottom, her mind is in a different place right now and isn't sure what she is going to...
I am looking to rp this. I’m hoping to find a male to play with my female human. I’m looking for rp with in-depth and more then 2 paragraph responses. Here is the info of the fandom I want to do by Christine feehan. I will also double up for ya if you normally play females as long as you play a...