Search results for query: *

  1. Natasha4E

    Anime & Manga Serious question… When you watch a superhero movie or an anime that has a unit of a character… Don’t you ever get inspired to lift?

    I find Jessica Jones inspiring, and she never works out. But she really inspired me to speak my mind to toxic people.
  2. Natasha4E

    TV & Film Anyone up for Star Trek talk??

    Oh yes Phlox was the best! When my son was a few days old he managed to make faces that looked like Phlox when he smiled! So funny!
  3. Natasha4E

    TV & Film Anyone up for Star Trek talk??

    I like all versions of him! I've always liked the aliens the best in Star Trek... Worf... B'elanna... Neelix... Odo...
  4. Natasha4E

    TV & Film Anyone up for Star Trek talk??

    ... Fascinating...
  5. Natasha4E

    Fantasy elves, magic and other kinds of trouble

    What I don't like about novel length posts is that often, they move the story along quicker than I like. They write about things that I wanted to respond to, or even things that involve my character in some way. They just keep rambling when they should work together with me to create the scene...
  6. Natasha4E

    Fantasy elves, magic and other kinds of trouble

    Still searching... :coolshades:
  7. Natasha4E

    Advice/Help How do you get into rp?

    I have role played for a long long time and I am still intimidated by how serious people are about it nowadays. 😅
  8. Natasha4E

    Experiences When RPs fall off, what happens to your OC?

    Either I forget they ever existed, or I search for a new rp for them. Most likely, I'll change them a little for the new rp just because I can.
  9. Natasha4E

    Fantasy elves, magic and other kinds of trouble

    I am also up for something set in the Harry Potter world, if we'd play adults. We'd be aurors.
  10. Natasha4E

    Fantasy elves, magic and other kinds of trouble

    I am back because I can't help myself. 😅
  11. Natasha4E

    Viewpoint What's the scariest part about finding roleplay partners?

    ... Like female characters with a personality. ☠️
  12. Natasha4E

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Iwaku, Toyhouse, Deviantart, world of warcraft, Discord. There was some other site that I don't remember the name from that had the search adds, and we'd do the actual roleplaying in email. And before we had the internet through snail mail. 🦕🦖
  13. Natasha4E

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    ... I don't like it when people start a search thread for a role play and say they are literate, yet don't use full sentences. ... And also when they refer to themself as "male" or "female". Instead of "man" or "woman". I don't know why this bothers me but it does.
  14. Natasha4E

    Other What are you terrible at?

    Making appointments. Like the plumber, dentist, etc. And house repair things. Putting up wallpaper, painting a wall. I will start it, then take forever and a day to finish. Oh yes and going to sleep also. Hugs for everyone who has to same problem. I wish I could say it gets better with age...
  15. Natasha4E

    TV & Film What was the last movie you watched?

    I watched Siccario. It sucked.
  16. Natasha4E

    TV & Film your fav childhood cartoon

    I didn't have a tv because my mother thought those things were evil 😅 , and I am a thousand years older than all of you, but my favorites were my little pony and the wonderful adventures of Nils.
  17. Natasha4E

    Other Over 35

    I am 45. I am not always very active in role playing but it's something I still love.
  18. Natasha4E

    Fantasy elves, magic and other kinds of trouble

    Send me a message with more about your fantasy world and I'll see if it fits with my ideas.