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  1. Demon King Ryuki

    Fandom Destiny - Revived in the Light (M X Reserved for Thaleia and Lord Shaxx)

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  2. Demon King Ryuki

    Fandom Destiny - Revived in the Light (M X Reserved for Thaleia and Lord Shaxx)

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  3. Demon King Ryuki

    Fandom Destiny - Revived in the Light (M X Reserved for Thaleia and Lord Shaxx)

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  4. Demon King Ryuki

    Fandom Destiny - Revived in the Light (M X Reserved for ? and Lord Shaxx)

    <p> The rain was falling heavily on the dense lush forests of Old Chicago. The usually ever present winds were stilled on this particular day. Trees and wild flora grew out of the crack and breaks in the sidewalks and roads. The buildings that had laid in ruin for many years were spotted in...
  5. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    His ears picked up that her pulse had slowed, and he sighed from the stress of this current situation. "I hope that this won't come back to bite me..." He muttered to himself, pulling his sword up, and then using it to cut off a few lengths of cloth from his shirt, which he then used to bind her...
  6. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    All was silent around them now, the sound of the falling demon, scaring off most of the nearby crickets. He budged not his hand as the young lady spoke. He could hear all he needed to know from the beating of her heart, but just to help validate her claims, he slid the eye patch that covered his...
  7. Demon King Ryuki

    Fandom Destiny (the game) Roleplay Request

    Okay I will be setting up the room tomorrow. I will go ahead and send the first two of the repliers the link when it is set up. Whoever replies first will be second in turn rotation.
  8. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    The night air felt like a brisk and moist shroud enveloping the area as he started to get closer to the source of the sound. All had fallen silent, but Ryuki knew he was on the right track, noting that the surroundings had no signs of a recent disturbance. He would search this area all night if...
  9. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    Sure their prey was was more agile in terms of avoiding the trees and boulders that littered the forest. But the hunters had speed and numbers on their side. Soon the hunted found themselves in between the pursuers and a cliff wall. The game was now coming to a close. The clouds cleared overhead...
  10. Demon King Ryuki

    Fandom Destiny (the game) Roleplay Request

    This will basicly be on par with the current story, but just before the Taken appear.
  11. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    Here ya go @EmerySnowe Detailed - Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)
  12. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    Feudal era setting. A young man must struggle dealing with both the loss of his father, and the stress of leadership. Will he find his way, or let down the tribe.
  13. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    Cold. The air was very cold. A thick blanket of snow covered the ground, and fell from the sky so densely that it was hard to see anything, even with the keen eyes of a hawk. The wind churned up plumes of snow off of the ground as if it were the fine sand of the desert dunes. The trees that...
  14. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  15. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  16. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  17. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    This RP is about a wolf Demon Prince, just months after the Assassination of his Father. He is just learning the ropes of leadership, when a chance encounter may save him from his Father's fate. I want just one other person to share in this young man's adventure. Your Character can be Either...
  18. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  19. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  20. Demon King Ryuki

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    @Demon King Ryuki, please edit this post to include any OOC information