Search results for query: *

  1. Miss.Slaughter

    Woop! Decorating my room today! Got some new great posters ^^

    Woop! Decorating my room today! Got some new great posters ^^
  2. Miss.Slaughter

    To Have and To Hold {Retghauls}

    Walking into the woods leaving traces of ashes behind him. When he was angry his body would do that. Searching for the spot he always went when he was angry. It was a beautiful place, Big trees with freshly green leaves, flowers in all kinds of colors and in the middle of it a big rock. His...
  3. Miss.Slaughter

    To Have and To Hold {Retghauls}

    Ragen was been told that his father wanted to see him, so as the great son he is he obeyed. Heading to the center of the castle, father sitting in his throne looking a bit worried when he walked in. "What's wrong, father?" he saw his father swallowing thickly. "The war has ended." He spoke with...
  4. Miss.Slaughter

    Mental institution Moonstrave

    Great you are accepted!
  5. Miss.Slaughter

    Looking for M x M pairings

    I'm looking for someone to RP with for M x M. I like romance with a bit of twist in it. Like a special romance of some kind ;) Examples: - Doctor x patient -Patient x patient - Young x old (not like the pedophile of way but sort of like teacher x student kind of way) -Deaf x blind...
  6. Miss.Slaughter

    MxM partner search (original and fandoms)

    religious kid x athiest or outcast x jock I would love to try :)
  7. Miss.Slaughter

    As I claw my way from your tragedy. Emptiness is your bride. Arrogance is your pride. I won't...

    As I claw my way from your tragedy. Emptiness is your bride. Arrogance is your pride. I won't drown in another's misery...
  8. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    Manuel looked over at the library, not saying a word. He was enthusiastic but sad at the same time. Why do I deserve this? He wondered to himself, getting a big frown on his forehead while looking down at the ground. Putting his hands in the pockets of his black chained pants. "Yeah it's great."...
  9. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    "Alright. I'm going to the library. Hey, Matt want to come with me?" He asked the new guy he talked to a few minutes ago. Manuel wanted to give there 'friendship' a try, not knowing if he would like one but oh well. Looking at Darkan "You're probably going to the music room?" Darkan nodded ...
  10. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    Manuel's and Darkan's mouth dropped at the same time. "This can't be real..." They said synchronized. Manuel began laughing confusingly, not knowing how to act at the sight of the beautiful hallway in front of him. He knew this was a poshy school but that it would be like this, he'd never...
  11. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    Darkan hold back Manuel who tried to go to his room. "Please stay? For me?" He said smiling at his friend, almost begging the boy to stay. Knowing that he couldn't handle it when Darkan looked right into his eyes with that desperate look. He sighed. "Alright. But I'm not going to the dance."...
  12. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    After hearing that Manuel looks in disgust. "Hell no, I'm not going to a dance. I will be at my room than if anyone needs me." He said not going for an argument and staying with his choice. Manuel didn't really mind dancing, on his own. But with other people? He didn't like the idea at all, so...
  13. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    Darkan walked over to Manuel and put his arm around his shoulders. "So we're going to share a room don't we?" He smirked, taking the other boy's chin in his hand and squeezing in it. Pulling Darkan's arm away from his face. "Put don't get to excited about it, I'm not like your sisters." He...
  14. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    "You know I don't want to be a jerk but you look like a rich asshole." He said laughing with himself, blowing some smoke out again. Manuel was never scared of telling people the truth what he thought about them. He would also go in an argument if he didn't agree with someone.
  15. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    "I enjoy thrillers, horrors and a lot of fantasy books and you?" He asked smiling at the boy. Did he really just made a connection with someone? He was kind of confused but didn't want to go to far on it.
  16. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    "I like to read a lot and music always keeps me interested." He said inhaling from his cigarette an blowing it out. "And you? Something else then sports?" He kind of began to respect the boy, not because of the daddy issues but because he also lost his mother. Manuel had no intention on telling...
  17. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    "Aaah fathers, the most unuseful species of this world." He said with a disgusted at the sort. "So I assume you were forced into sport are something?" He said a bit annoyed. Why did people brag about their parents just because they forced them to do things? I wish my parents forced me into some...
  18. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    Manuel looked up at the boy playing with his lighter. "No, the orphan house couldn't handle me anymore so they dumped me here. Darkan just wanted to come with me." That was actually a lie, the Darkan part. He didn't want Darkan to be alone on their old school. So he practically forced Darkan...
  19. Miss.Slaughter

    Wish I didn't have to go to school so I could just RPG all day long.

    Wish I didn't have to go to school so I could just RPG all day long.
  20. Miss.Slaughter

    Realistic or Modern Grove Academy [No More Spaces Till Later]

    "Yeah sounds great. We only need a drummer maybe and a singer. Oh, and I'm also 17." He said friendly, looking over at his cousin. "So she's like a sister to you right?" smiling a bit because he thought about Manuel saying that sentence. Well he wasn't like a sister of course, he was like the...