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  1. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    @Lekar "No matter what, I'll make sure you make it back alive to be welcomed as a hero," Alicia said, her hands gripped at her sides. "You truly don't deserve to be here; you were defended both yourself and your family. I...was only defending my foolish heart. I did something horrible Nate...
  2. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    Cecelia's sleep was dreamless, a simple, dark void that covered her mind until she awoke. However, when she opened her eyes, the darkness still remained. An itchy feeling covered her eyes. When she tried to raise her hands to her head, she found that her wrists were bound together by a cloth. So...
  3. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    @Lekar Alicia offered the boy a small smile of reassurance, her heart warming at his words. Perhaps there was such a thing as redemption. Perhaps she didn't have to live the rest of her days in guilt, but that would only prove to be true if she didn't have another episode. For now, she had to...
  4. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    @Lekar Alicia listened to the young man as he spoke, smiling softly at some parts and wincing at others. Her hands dropped to her sides, her gaze resting on the muddy ground. By the time he had finished, an awful feeling churned in her gut. "I'm certainly no hero," she whispered, gripping...
  5. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    Cecelia tensed at the wolf demon's words; of course he sensed her lies. She held her breath as he continued to say that he wouldn't kill her, although she knew that this definitely wouldn't be the end of her interrogation. Although she winced when the tip of his blade pierced her neck, she...
  6. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    The young woman flinched when the cold, sharp tip of the sword was pressed against the back of her neck. She relaxed her muscles so that she'd be less likely to move and get her head cut off. Cecelia clenched her eyes shut as her blood swarmed with adrenaline. She took a deep, shuddering...
  7. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    @Lekar "Well, luckily for you, I know a lot about survival. I'm a nurse in training," Alicia replied, chuckling at the young man's eccentric bow. Her smile faded, however, the more she thought about it. "Was a nurse in training." She corrected herself and cleared her throat. "Anyway, you're...
  8. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    Cecelia clamped a hand over her mouth, stilling her breaths until they were no more than the ghost of a whisper. Her pulse jumped in her throat as she pressed her back against the tree behind her. This was bad. Very, very bad. She could hear the quiet steps of one of the wolf demons. Her best...
  9. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    @Lekar "...Nate Austen..." Alicia tested the name on her lips, wondering where she had heard it before. Not a single memory surfaced in her mind. "Sounds familiar, but I'm not exactly sure. These past few days have been a blur for me." Her voice grew so soft as to disappear, her grip on her...
  10. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    @Lekar Alicia peered around herself, trudging through the mud that the storm had created for her. Other than a few cuts and minor abrasions, she appeared to be in good physical health. She pursed her lips and looked for a place to find shelter. She had been lucky enough to find a large tree to...
  11. EmerySnowe

    Azae - A World At War - Out of Character Chat

    Hello there :) I am joining the rp, and here's my character sheet. It's a bit short, but I hope to expand it with the rp. Name: Yue Manik Age: 23 Race: Parshumian - T'Odis Weapon of Choice - although she's skilled in throwing daggers, she prefers to fight her opponents head on with a...
  12. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    Alicia was numb as strangers strapped a quiver to her back, loading it with arrows as she had requested. She gripped the bow with shaky hands and stumbled out beyond the walls; not even the cold rain shocked her from her blank state. The droplets clung to her hair, which curled bright red...
  13. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    Hooray :D What should I do next?
  14. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    (I didn't know whether to put the character sheet here or in the other thread thingie, but here it is! :) ) Name: Alicia Trancy Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Skills: Although she was a late bloomer, Alicia was able to prove her skills in the medical field soon enough...
  15. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe (M x reserved for EmerySnowe)

    The young woman's eyes fluttered open, her nocturnal senses kicking in as the sun began to set. Stretching her arms, she remembered why she was in such a small cave in the first place. Looks like Corporal keeps his promises, after all. She groaned and pulled herself to her feet. Cecelia...
  16. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    Do you want to flesh out a bit of the plot, or would you prefer not to?
  17. EmerySnowe

    Looking for a 1x1 Partner!

    Hello! : D I myself am a huge fan of Soul Eater and Adventure Time, and I'm up for any fantasy, SciFi, or modern roleplays as well. I am typically quick to respond, although in a detailed roleplay I may take a little while to find the right words.
  18. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy A Lovecraftian Tale

    Hello :) I think that this sounds like a wonderful idea. May I join?
  19. EmerySnowe

    Fantasy Lost to the Tribe

    (here's the picture)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/cecelia.jpg.ffe44e9aadbce577300c8d3e4a8d8b1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/cecelia.jpg.ffe44e9aadbce577300c8d3e4a8d8b1e.jpg"...