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  1. write.explore.imagine

    Desires of the Heart (1x1) [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. write.explore.imagine

    Old Habits Die Hard (Private)

    Peter took a deep breath, watching Neal. She was defiantly different to Neal than any of the other girls he always played around with. He rubbed his temples again before looking back up at Neal. His eyes searched Neal's face carefully as dozens of thoughts ran through his head. "You are telling...
  3. write.explore.imagine

    Old Habits Die Hard (Private)

    Several thoughts went though Peters head as Neal spoke. One, he'd been right. Neal had known who was behind the heist at the museum and hadn't told him. Two, the thief was female. Three, it was someone Neal was concerned about... and that wasn't a long list. As an agent the facts ran through his...
  4. write.explore.imagine

    Old Habits Die Hard (Private)

    "If so the question is what and why?" Peter mumbled, brain trying to wrap around it. In truth there were a lot of questions but if they figured that one out then they could ho from there. Peters eyes never left Neal as he spoke again. He searched his face and body language. Neal Caffery wasn't...
  5. write.explore.imagine

    Old Habits Die Hard (Private)

    Peter leaned back against the desk, motioning for Jones and Diane to join them before moving into the conference room. "Obviously... They would of wanted people, or someone to know it was a forgery if they made such an obvious error they weren't trying to keep it much or a secret," he pointed...
  6. write.explore.imagine

    Old Habits Die Hard (Private)

    Peter blinked, switching gears as he looked down at the picture. "Wrong size?" He repeated slowly. What kind of forger made it the wrong size? And how had someone not caught it before? Surely the museum knew better... how had they missed that one? He took a deep breath, looking over at El as she...
  7. write.explore.imagine

    Old Habits Die Hard (Private)

    Peter would give an occasional glance in Neals direction. Old habits he supposed, it was hard for him to relax when he knew something was wrong with Neal. Mainly because when Neal was concerned he tended to do something stupid. Still, he shook it off, focusing on El when suddenly the door to the...
  8. write.explore.imagine

    Looking for more RP's (1x1 or otherwise)

    I'd love to do Disney, And I prefer Female... were you thinking Cannon or original?
  9. write.explore.imagine

    Desires of the Heart

    Unless you really don't wanna lol
  10. write.explore.imagine

    Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

    Taura glanced at him, before sighing and looking away again. "Because not everyone is like that, and those who aren't need protecting from those who are. And besides if didn't my other option would be to be consumed by revenge... And there's so much more to life." She told him. Devi nodded...
  11. write.explore.imagine

    Unbelieveable IQ [1x1] (Me & write.explore.imagine.)

    Harmony blinked, "What? Us relaxing really so bad?" She asked
  12. write.explore.imagine

    Looking for more RP's (1x1 or otherwise)

    @Lady Sabine hey! I'll definitely check it out when i have time!
  13. write.explore.imagine

    Desires of the Heart

    Um... Why don't you start.., you can se it up with him wandering around then running into er at a bar it something
  14. write.explore.imagine

    Desires of the Heart

    We can talk here instead of in the convo... it's all in one nice little place :D
  15. write.explore.imagine

    Desires of the Heart

  16. write.explore.imagine

    Desires of the Heart (1x1) [Inactive]

    write.explore.imagine submitted a new role play: Desires of the Heart - Two Fallen Angels. One wants to return, One wants to stay. Their destinies are forever entertwined Read more about this role play...
  17. write.explore.imagine

    Looking for more RP's (1x1 or otherwise)

    @Onyx Shadow Haha I'm down for being friends xD I wouldn't mind froing a Fruits Basket RP... I haven't done one of those in a while... and I'd love to RP with Kyo.
  18. write.explore.imagine

    Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

    Taura didn't flinch, in fact she barely reacted as he turned the conversation on her. More than that she seemed just as calm as before. She glanced at him. "I'm sure you have your own reasons, and I'm sure they're just as real to you as mine are to me... how he make are decisions are based on...
  19. write.explore.imagine

    Fairy Tail (Hexed and write.explore.imagine)

    Devi slid her hands into her pockets, glancing back at Maia. "Maybe... she has the most reason to not want to help, but is the most qualified... I think if anyone can she will." She admitted. Taura glanced back at him, "If people didn't need protecting then maybe things would be different, but...
  20. write.explore.imagine

    Looking for more RP's (1x1 or otherwise)

    Alright, so I've been craving some New RP's lately and as such am looking for partners to RP with but before we start... About me My name is Jess, I've been online RPing for 10 years now. I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to RPing but I'm experienced. I love to read and write...