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  1. quentin

    Resident Evil: evolution [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. quentin

    Time Apocalypse

    name: Charles defaount age:22 gender: male nationality: American bio: After Charles' father died of leukemia the bandits stormed his homestead weeks later burning everything to the ground after killing the rest of his family and raping his mother. the Bandits tried to kill Charles during...
  3. quentin

    Death Weapon Meister Academy

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/scythe.jpg.0a44e39c3891a95c858fca993feaaa23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/scythe.jpg.0a44e39c3891a95c858fca993feaaa23.jpg" class="ipsImage...
  4. quentin

    Time Apocalypse

    I love your thread and would love to joincould you explain your skill/weapons system im not fully understanding
  5. quentin

    Resident Evil: evolution

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  6. quentin

    Resident Evil: evolution

    name age bio and whatever else was mentioned in the rules
  7. quentin

    Resident Evil: evolution [Inactive]

    quentin submitted a new role play: Resident Evil: evolution - since the outbreak in Raccoon city was stopped all was well.... until now Read more about this role play...
  8. quentin

    The Cabin (sign-ups and rules)

    name: Jessie wright Age:22 personiliaty: hes an out going hard headed smart mouth and isnt afraid of anything <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/hat.png.f801983293b032dad9f8bbf44f9b0635.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="480"...
  9. quentin

    Calling of the Dead

    zombies have invaded all over. will you survive? skelly: name age nickname bio {include were and what you where doing when the outbreak happened military? appearance
  10. quentin

    SAW 1.

    Adam smiled half heartedly and said "ya that makes us both now lets find a way outta this hell hole"
  11. quentin

    SAW 1.

    "well Alex Im Adam do you have any idea what could have happened to us?" he asked calmly
  12. quentin

    SAW 1.

    Adam lifted his head slowly scanning the room his eyes locked with the girls and he spoke "Look we can both get out of this alright we dont need to kill each other." "YOU HEAR THAT YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH WE ARE GONNA GET OUT OF THIS TOGETHER!!!" his nostrils flared and his eyes burned with...
  13. quentin

    SAW 1.

    "lol very ***** confused i like that" "I have no clue. Im Adam and have no clue what's going on." he looked around. suddenly a voice crackled over the intercom "Hello, Adam and Alexandra, I want to play a game. You both have lived selfish lives. Adam, you are an angry lonely man who gets...
  14. quentin

    SAW 1.

    "woah woah calm down. lets calm down and...and i guess figure out what the hell is going on here I... Im Adam what's your name?" he said shaken looking around for any way to get out of this
  15. quentin

    SAW 1.

    awesome alright!!! Adam's eyes flas hopen and he looks around for a moment hearing sloshing water in his ears as he slams himself forward gasping for air. he volts from the bathtub and hits the cold wet ground hard.he tries to get up and walk around but is not able to go far. he is trapped...
  16. quentin

    SAW 1.

    we gonna start on this thread or you gonna make another one?
  17. quentin

    Asylum; Let Me Out

  18. quentin

    Asylum; Let Me Out

    name: Quentin age: 16 {almost 17} personalilty: insane angry aggresive why in the asylum: suicide, homicide, schizophrenia family: brother anything else: he isnt getting out anytime soon he killed his mother and attempted to kill himself as well <p><a...
  19. quentin

    love knows no bounds

    this is a romance/slasher RP. Alright so you have had an insane life but now you have moved away and everything is great now new boyfriend new school new friends. until your phsycho ex finds you again. Name age bio appearance no limit on characters ask if you want to be The Girl...
  20. quentin

    Soul Eater RP >:3

    so sorry people i really hope you guys just killed me off i have been so busy lately and i just kinda got out of contantment