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  1. babyluludeer

    Going on Hiatus for a while~

    Going on Hiatus for a while~
  2. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    "You have got to be kidding...did that just happen..." Krystal watched in amazement as the cabin she'd formed an image of perfectly materialized right before them. She was slightly pressured to remain outside, despite her eagerness to get out of the cold, due to the fact that she wasn't quit...
  3. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Anthony's question fell on deaf ears. Krystal gazed out across the field, watching as the rain cascaded down upon the blanket of white blossoms. It was beautiful and yet eerie at the same time. She could feel the rain quite clearly but the way it appeared to be falling right out of an empty sky...
  4. babyluludeer

    Sorry I'm taking long with replies. I was super busy today and might be off to bed soon. >^

    Sorry I'm taking long with replies. I was super busy today and might be off to bed soon. >^
  5. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    She was not real? Well that was sure a blunt statement to make - one she was just itching to debate. What made this guy believe that he was the expert on dreams and the realm of unconsciousness? Unfortunately, the loud booming thunder signaled the oncoming rain and Krystal lost her chance to...
  6. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    "So this is a dream?" Krystal asked, aloud. She was surprisingly not distracted from the issue at hand in spite of the fact that someone with Anthony's good looks would normally have made her swoon. Grasping the idea with a firm hold, Krystal sighed and shook her head in disbelief. "Well, that...
  7. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Is this place even real? Krystal wondered. Or is it some sort of dreamworld? Questions upon questions flooded her mind, and she was entirely disappointed that she was lacking the ability to answer them. Turning back momentarily, Krystal glanced at the shape of her twin bed, sitting in the midst...
  8. babyluludeer


    Haha indeed~ Thank you very much! ^^
  9. babyluludeer

    My writing skills are totally rusty v___v

    My writing skills are totally rusty v___v
  10. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Krystal arrived home from work two hours later than usual. The house was dark as it was just after midnight. After locking the front door she stepped inside the hallway of her father's newly renovated townhouse and quietly made her way to her room, on the second floor. Once inside the confines...
  11. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    I'm glad~ And that's totally fine, I understand. I have morning classes as well~ ^^ I'll be sure to reply before I get offline tonight.
  12. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Name: Krystal Johnston Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: (height 5'4) Occupation: Student - works at a cafe part time Personality: Krystal is infamous for being known as an ice princess. She isn't rude, but she does seem unapproachable due to her lacking an open and overly friendly...
  13. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Sounds good~ I'm working on mine as we speak. ^^
  14. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Alrighty~ Do you mind maybe posting yours first so I can get an idea of how to organize mine? Like I said, I'd like to be the female~
  15. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    Alright well then here come the questions... >^< So for appearance can I post a pic? I'm coming from RPR and the set up is slightly different there so I'm a bit confused with how things work here.
  16. babyluludeer

    Only in My Dreams [Inactive]

    This sounds really interesting~~ I'd love to try for the female in this rp. The only thing is that I haven't yet tried rping on this site so I'll be a bit rusty at first until I get the hang of things...
  17. babyluludeer


    Thanks so much~ ^-^ I'll be sure to check them out!
  18. babyluludeer


    Hello everyone. So, I'm new here and I'm still learning my way around the forums and such. Anyway, I was hoping to find a slice of life rp or 1x1 rp of the same genre. I'm a bit overwhelmed by how many rp's are on this site. I'm originally used to role playing on RPR. Hopefully someone can help...