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  1. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    Considering dropping out, sorry. I'll stick around to finish my involvement with the current part, but that'll probably be it for me afterwards.
  2. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Always Open

    Ms. X nodded enthusiastically, tossing a small and poorly maintained sidearm onto the desk before diving back down, digging around for half a minute before pulling out a poorly-looking "cigar" that seemed made of scrap paper and god-knows-what more than the finer stuff. "Well, if you trust her...
  3. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Always Open

    "You seem to forget," Xiūlǐ muttered, "That I have pull with these guys. Sure, they ain't exactly too big on me since the last job went sour, but I should have enough kudos to not get a bullet in our heads." She took an abused package of smokes out her pocket, considering offering one for half a...
  4. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Always Open

    "Xiūlǐ" rubbed the bridge of her nose, spitting a few more curses to nobody in particular before reclining back in her chair. "Should never have agreed to this shit," she muttered, "Beer wasn't even that fuckin' good. Fine, you want information, here you go, you shén jīng bìng." She reached to...
  5. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Always Open

    Cold, calm, calculated. Each movement spent on maintenance when it came to tech this high calibre couldn't be wasted, lest some stray wire get exposed for too long, a static discharge spike into the electronics or some other financial disaster. "Xiūlǐ" knew these risks all too well, her...
  6. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Tech, Lore, and other fun stuff

    Kowloon Tucked away in a horribly uncomfortable network of winding alleys and seemingly dead ends lies the pride and joy of "Xiūlǐ"; the illicit chop shop of black market augments, Kowloon. Smelling strongly of cheap booze and cigarette smoke before you even see the sign, Kowloon "happily"...
  7. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    I'll get the storefront on the lore thread in the meantime!
  8. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    Could be fun, also puts a character to one of the people Mitchell sells tech to on a weekly basis!
  9. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - OOC

    Hello! Thought I'd join, if thats alright. Posted my character in the character thread, so let me know if you need any more detail or changes!
  10. MyriadMalady

    Futuristic [Argon City] - Open World Cyberpunk RP - Characters

    Name: "Xiūlǐ" Age: 32 Appearance: Hovering around a tentative 5' 8" with a fairly lithe figure often obscured by heat and chemical resistant clothing. Her hair is shorter than it seems on first glance, the ends torched and singed by repeated exposure to the aftereffects of her tools of the...
  11. MyriadMalady

    Koibito Surajji

    It would slam back together if the goop was separated, but if you kept two parts that big from reconnecting she'd be stuck as a half as big puddle of angry sludge.
  12. MyriadMalady

    Koibito Surajji

    Name: Koibito Surajji Hero Name: N/A; Koibito often rolls ideas around in her head, but none ever seem to stick past a few days. Junior High Attended: Sabe Junior High Appearance: Koibito stands at a fairly average five foot 4 with a fairly lanky build. Her obscenely bright...
  13. MyriadMalady

    Koibito Surajji

    Name: Koibito Surajji Hero Name: N/A; Koibito often rolls ideas around in her head, but none ever seem to stick past a few days. Junior High Attended: Sabe Junior High Appearance: Koibito stands at a fairly average five foot 4 with a fairly lanky build. Her obscenely bright...
  14. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    Isibéal winced at the sight, quickly trying to regain an air of mirth despite the situation. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be fine. Don't blame you for wanting to skimp out after that mess, though." she said, rubbing the back of her head with an almost guilty look about her. Did these kids even...
  15. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    Isibéal sat back down with a little kick of her feet, confident that she'd made a good impression on someone, at least. "Come on, they won't bite. Besides, you might get a solid whack in, show 'em whats-for." She said as a small part of her wished she was in the midst of the cacophony before...
  16. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    "Aww, come on, just look at me. I don't look like the most pristine fighter out there, but that didn't stop me from crashing skulls together and being a one-woman butcher of the battlefield. Decapitation did." said Isibéal with an optimistic, enthusiastic flair that was oddly worrying coming...
  17. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    Isibéal nodded at his question, extending a thumbs up with an absolutely beaming smile. Sure, he might have sounded surprised, but at least there weren't any small comments; she could handle a little bit of mistaken age.  "Yep, I'm the P.E Instructor. Nice to meet you, Seth!" she said, still...
  18. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    The small girl jumped a bit at the sudden buzzing in her ears, scratching at them lightly with a little growl. Turning around for whatever might have caused it, her mild, confused annoyance faded into a cheerful smile at the sight of the student near her perch. Standing up with a proud smile and...
  19. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    The small girl jumped a bit at the sudden buzzing in her ears, scratching at them lightly with a little growl. Turning around for whatever might have caused it, her mild, confused annoyance faded into a cheerful smile at the sight of the student near her perch. Standing up with a proud smile and...
  20. MyriadMalady

    Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

    Isibéal lowered her outstretched hand with a puff of her cheeks, all her joyous momentum falling somewhat flat at being completely ignored by her colleague. Was it something she said? Did the meaning of grúpa change over the years? What if she just accidentally insulted her co-worker and-Oh god...