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  1. Mirukon

    St Carlisles Acedemy for Shifters (Accepting) -Sign up-

    Name: Rui Age: 16 Gender: Female Year: Junior Animal shift: White Otter Looks: Personality: Not much of a social type. Let alone, her facial expressions speak instead. Rui is a hard-working girl after carrying the burdens of her family even at a young age. She is...
  2. Mirukon

    Fallen Angels

    Oh, seriously? o u o? Oh. Thank you very much~! > w < So, practically, I am the last one, making me able to post? o w o Ah. I'm sorry if I ask a lot of questions.
  3. Mirukon

    Fallen Angels

    Name: Rui Age: 127 Gender: Female Personality: Rui is a quiet female who does her actions simultaneously. She is quite careless and calm even to the worst of scenarios. To her unspoken words and sounds, she also doesn't pay attention to her surroundings. For a fallen angel as her, she is a...
  4. Mirukon

    Kudamono (Kuppo) Rea sketch

    I would pick the bottom, middle onee. o w o It's fresh, clean, and calm. If that is what your aiming for in the character's personality. > w <
  5. Mirukon

    Traditional Some of my art from when I was in art school.

    UWAH. That's really awesome. O A O The one specific drawing of yours that gets me is the realistic hand. You did really great on that. o w o
  6. Mirukon

    o u o New person. WARNING. NEW PERSON. xD

    Hi Hi~ o w o Thank you for answering my loneliness. - w - Hi Beta, once again. There's a lot to this site where I don't understand. xD So, I'll be exploring for awhile. First impression; This is seems very friendly and fun. I like it. > w <
  7. Mirukon

    o u o New person. WARNING. NEW PERSON. xD

    Erm.. Hi there if you read this. o w o;; I shall introduce myself, then~ I am Miki-chan. Currently, I am only a student who is still progressing in her life. This site seemed really interesting I thought I might as well give it a try. > w < So, please take care of me, if you don't mind...