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  1. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

    Sorry for the small delay. Adding an excerpt on the newest OC Celine Yukimura; more updates for Nate and Griff will be up soon too. {slide=Celine Yukimura} "Friends come and go, but enemies will only accumulate." Scowling under her breath for the umpteenth time, on this occasion it...
  2. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

    Awesome, updated some more on Nate. Griff will soon follow. These guys come first as they're my main OC's; kinda goes without saying.
  3. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

    {slide=Flashback} Doused in the persisting haze of pollution and dust, the debris-laced city heaved beneath the weight of its unrelenting chaos. Skittering through the crowded masses presented both inevitable risk and boundless potential as one day was never much like the last; or at least...
  4. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

    Well thought out and very valid points there. Have to say though, wow. -Scratches head- Well then, yeah; I'm on a complete OC kick these days myself but I know very well where you're coming from. Anime-style, yes, original designs on all fronts, also yes. For the time being I've pulled all...
  5. Spiegelsan

    Surreptitious Evanescence (Working Title)

    A voice as sickly sweet as it was thick with ill-intent permeated the gloom, instantly elevating a perilous situation to something altogether more ominous. Now gritting his teeth with such fervour that it drew a glance from his comrade, Griffith visibly muted any further vocalisation to his...
  6. Spiegelsan

    Surreptitious Evanescence (Working Title)

    With an irritable sigh, Nathan loosened the tie about his neck further; as time passed it seemed oddly constrictive coupled with an atmosphere already laced with tension. Barely concealing a irritable grimace whilst his comrade strode past him for the umpteenth time, Nathan redirected his gaze...
  7. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

    Hey now, don't sweat it; now I've got the time I'll get to work on the specifics. Very nice posts by the way, well impressed!
  8. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

    General discussion and musings.
  9. Spiegelsan

    One x One Surreptitious Evanescence Signups

    Signups Currently Closed Participants Spiegelsan SimpleLinguistic
  10. Spiegelsan

    Surreptitious Evanescence (Working Title)

    (Just a placeholder for now whilst I work on making this first post look good and add more content.) Current Main Character Listings Updating Evelyn Weiss ________ Nathan "Nate" Rietveld __________ Celine Yukimura ________ Griffith "Griff" Rocha________...
  11. Spiegelsan

    Anime & Manga Post your fave funny anime pics!

    Yus. -Nod-
  12. Spiegelsan

    Anime & Manga Post your fave funny anime pics!

    Me gusta.
  13. Spiegelsan

    Anime & Manga Post your fave funny anime pics!

    To that I say...
  14. Spiegelsan

    Anime & Manga Post your fave funny anime pics!

    Nothing like a good bit of random to round off the weekend! Lets see how this goes; feel free to post any funny/random anime pics of characters you like or even dislike. It's all in the spirit of being random, after all. Patrick adds a new dimension to Psycho-Pass, apparently.
  15. Spiegelsan

    And so, another newcomer enters the fray...

    She's all about them jollies, that little fuzzball. That pic though, her face kinda reminds me of...
  16. Spiegelsan

    And so, another newcomer enters the fray...

    In a word. Magnificent . Pugs kick ass. -Nod- (...Especially on jolly adventures)
  17. Spiegelsan

    And so, another newcomer enters the fray...

    That is very true, uncomfortably so; sometimes you have to take that long walk with your eyes closed. Lest you make those unwanted purchases of cake, chocolate and biscuits. But damn it, they are delicious!
  18. Spiegelsan

    And so, another newcomer enters the fray...

    Now that sounds like quite the plan, I like it. -Thumbs up-
  19. Spiegelsan

    And so, another newcomer enters the fray...

    Ominous, yes; but that makes the whole experience all the more fun. -Winks-
  20. Spiegelsan

    And so, another newcomer enters the fray...

    Rockin' out as good buds; sounds like a plan! That's brilliant; thanks for the friendly welcome and support, it's much appreciated!