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  • Users: Satin
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  1. Satin

    Fantasy Terrorchild: Awakening

  2. Satin

    Multiple Settings Insert interesting title here for original and fandom RP search.

    You sound like you are a very good RPer with a lot of interesting ideas! I am fully interested in RPing with you and I am open to any ideas you have. Let me know if you would like to RP with me.
  3. Satin

    Fantasy A Blind Rebellion - OOC Thread [ABANDONED PROJECT]

    Ideas? Questions? Concerns? Announcements? Anything you wish to state out of character can be put here!
  4. Satin

    Multiple Settings To Whom it may Concern,

    Good morning/evening, MisaMai! After reading through this interest check, I must say that you seem like a very well-spoken yet laid back person. I'm very new to this site and I hope to find my first 1x1 RP soon, and I really think you could make for an amazing partner. I am very laid back and...
  5. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    Now that the armour has backed off, you have some time to stop, temporarily patch up your injuries and ask yourself one very important question: how the hell are you gonna get out? Now that you're just outside the Greek exhibit, you are able to plan your route. There are two doors at the very...
  6. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    By the time you awaken, more than a minute has passed. You can no longer feel your right ankle, or your left wrist. Blood is spilling out of your nostrils and lips. Your bag and its contents are spilled out across the museum floor, with most of the priceless artefacts you were going to steal now...
  7. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    You have no time to waste and considering that you managed to break into this place already, you should be pretty athletic, right? Right. Once again, the gym comes in handy. You place one hand on the railing and use it to balance yourself as you channel all your core strength and hop right...
  8. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    You realise that you are no expert swordfighter and wouldn't stand a chance against the monster storming towards you, so you pull on the door handle frantically until it opens and slam it behind you. Of course, this proves to be futile, as the ghostly samurai is able to retrieve its weapon from...
  9. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    Nope. You ain't dealing with this. You decide to rush over to the door, and the entity behind the crack begins to grow far more rapidly. You make it to the door, but as you get there, a streak of metal is suddenly launched past it and embedded just beside the doorknob. You look back to where...
  10. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    Well, even though nothing too dramatic seems to be happening right now, you decide to check out the noises coming from the middle of the room anyway. As you approach the samurai armour, you notice that a large crack has somehow formed in the glass, and the katana is missing... 1. Okay, maybe...
  11. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    You've pretty much ruined an entire exhibit anyway, and your backpack isn't too full yet... might as well nick some more stuff! Taking a deep breath and drawing on all your reserves of courage, you shove your way through the wooden door with a single, surprisingly strong push. Guess the gym...
  12. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    At the last second, the idea to make a sharp left turn just as you reach the wooden doors. You race up the staircase, your feet building up a sort of rythem as you make your escape with your bounty. Amenhotep is not prepared for your sudden manoeuvre. It has just started picking up speed at...
  13. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    You make the only sensible decision since you broke into this place. Unable to hear if you are screaming like some sort of crazy person over the sound of your racing heart and the heavy footsteps coming from both you and your pursuer, you bolt for the exit regardless. The monolith behind you is...
  14. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    No, you can't just run away. Call it greed, ambition, idiocy, whatever, but you didn't willingly choose to break into some sketchy museum for no reason, and you  are getting that money, common sense be damned. You're not leaving without your riches. The black market is waiting for you. So, you...
  15. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    At the sudden noise, your nerves flair up, causing you to tense dramatically before you pivot on your heel. Among the group of statues is three lion-headed goddesses and the damaged yet still massive head of Ramses II, but the one that stands out the most is the carved figure of Amenhotep III...
  16. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    In the end, you make the decision to head through the right doorway. You're pretty sure you saw the stand where the maps are kept towards the left door, but it doesn't matter; not like you're here to watch a stupid educational play or something. On your way to the next room, you see the sign on...
  17. Satin

    Quest A Preserved Hell - A Horror Story

    This is a horrible idea. You know it is. But at the end of the day, the only good thing about the Manchester Museum of Human History is how expensive the stuff inside of it is. It won't be easy, but you've already broken in through the window, so you might as well push forward. It can't be...
  18. Satin

    Multiple Settings Pokemon Roleplay Anyone?

    Hey, Mint! I would like to apply to be your roleplay partner! I think we could create some amazing stories together! I prefer to write in third person, so that's not an issue. I shouldn't have too many problems with my responses being too short, either. I don't care for one dimensional...
  19. Satin

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello there, name's Ozone. I'm a new roleplayer from Sydney, Australia. I joined this community to tell the stories I want to tell and I pride myself on my writing. I prefer to focus on characterisation and worldbuilding. I'm excited to see what opportunities I can find around here!