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  1. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Um, I generally try to be really detailed with my characters, but I definitely can take it down a notch if you'd prefer to be simpler. So it's up to you! I can do either! I only use pictures if we can use real pictures, I don't really like using anime pictures. But I'm good with descriptions...
  2. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Well maybe we could! Can you make the thread though? I'm in the middle of packing for my trip, and I probably should get back to it. Even if we just get the thread going with the character sheets and stuff and have to wait until Monday to really start. Either way.
  3. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Okay cool! I've still got a few hours before I head out for the weekend, but I doubt we'd be able to start between now and then, anyways. But yeah that sounds good to me. I'll be working on my characters over the weekend as much as I can, too.
  4. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Okay, sounds perfectly fine to me! Although, I just realized- I'm gonna be away from home for the weekend and I won't have a computer with me, as my laptop is undergoing repairs. So I'll private message you Monday when I come back to get the last bits worked out! Is that okay? (:
  5. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Well you wouldn't have to know much about it if our clan lived in their own village in the forest. They could live outside of the regular community of Finland, so some/most of them don't even have to be Finnish, but I think my girl will be. Hawaii could be okay, I don't know much about it, but...
  6. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Finlaaaaaaaaand. Has forests and mountains, just sayin'. Haha. But it could be somewhere else, I just lean toward Scandinavia :P As to the volcano-y area.... Any ideas?
  7. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    That all sounds good to me. Where should the special place be where our goodguys are? Somewhere with a lot of nature obviously. And as to the fiery ones-- somewhere warm?
  8. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Haha, okay cool! Awesome! So I guess we have everything worked out? Except for maybe setting? Where should the story take place...Somewhere on Earth or should it be kind of a knock-off of Earth?
  9. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Both rocks and plants would be awesome! And if it's trouble for you, I can take the female badguy! Either way! Or we could just have two male badguys who are like best bros or something. And I don't mind being the experienced magic user (: Both of the badguys are going to be experienced...
  10. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Yeah I don't actually like working with water, either... Could we do Earth and Fire? The badguys could be Fire and our goodguys could be Earth? Also, we could just both play a male and female. Can I be the male badguy and the female goodguy? (:
  11. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    [Poison and Fire]

    The age-old tale of the socialite and the recluse finding a way to maintain companionship while learning to be adults in the big, beautiful world! Appearance: Name: Anthony Holloway Age: Eighteen Hobbies/talents: He is a writer, mostly a poet, but scribbles the occasional short story...
  12. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    That sounds like a lot of fun, actually! What element would you like our good guys to work with? Likewise, what should the badguys use? Also, I suppose we'll both be playing one guy and one girl, or would you prefer to do it some other way? I generally only ever play dudes, but I'm up for...
  13. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Sounds good! Do we want the magic to be elemental or something else like mind-reading and other stuff like that? And then the badguys could be jealous of how powerful they're growing and try to stop them, something like what you said?
  14. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    We could do something with magic? One of our characters could be part of a special clan that studies magic, and the other could be summoned to join them, so the one who has always been in it could have to show them the ropes? Then if we did doubles (which, I generally only play singles, but this...
  15. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Awesome! Not in particularly! If you didn't have any ideas yourself, then I could just throw some ideas out there? (:
  16. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Looking for a roleplay partner for 1x1

    Hey! I'm literate, and I'd love to do a roleplay with you if you'd like! I'm into Fantasy and Modern-contemporary, or even modern-fantasy actually. I don't do fandom games though. But yeah, are you more for Fantasy or Modern-y stuff right now? (:
  17. The-Fire-Is-Rising


    Thanks! :D
  18. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Anyone up for a Game?

    Sure thing! (:
  19. The-Fire-Is-Rising

    Anyone up for a Game?

    Evening, darlings. I'm new to Rpnation, but not at all new to roleplaying, I've been at it for quite some time now. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who would care to game with me? I really enjoy all kinds of games, but one thing I must have in a roleplay partner is...
  20. The-Fire-Is-Rising


    Hi! I'm actually a really experienced Roleplayer, and I joined because, well, I'm looking to roleplay. But as to actually introducing myself, my name is Petra, I'm a metalhead and a hippie. My favorite band is Wintersun. I talk a lot. I read a lot. I drink a lot of tea. I write all the time...