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  1. Calamari

    Futuristic Spectre

    Q-515 would lean back in her chair and close her eyes. Tactics were on her mind, especially with her brethren's weapon choices. If this city was anything like the ones she had seen pictures of, roadways and rooftops were the best routes for her. If she would need to go through any tight...
  2. Calamari

    Futuristic Spectre

    Q-515 tests her Jump boots a couple times before pulling them on. "You guys ready yet? Today wouldn't be a good day to keep the general waiting." She says as she slings her Judgement rifle on her back and holsters her handgun. "Not that there ever would be a good day..."
  3. Calamari

    Futuristic Spectre

    Q-515 goes back to her bunk and pulls her footlocker out from beneath it. It took her a minute to get her Dragoon armor on, and another to calibrate the HUD. The rest of the time she had left would be used to inspect her Judgement sniper rifle and checking her ammunition. Though her face...
  4. Calamari

    Futuristic Spectre

    Q-515 merely stands in line with her fellow Spectres, keeping any questions (not that she had any) to herself. Her face was devoid of emotion, and she didnt so much as twitch. The only thing that made her smile even slightly were the words "Neutralize the generals". Her kind of mission.
  5. Calamari


    Ok, thanks for the heads up.
  6. Calamari


    So, this other person who is supposed to post... How long are we going to wait for them?
  7. Calamari

    Futuristic Spectre

    Q-515 rose from her bunk and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. A small, calm smile came to her face as the blonde dressed in her usual relaxed manner, only pausing once she noticed the time. "Early morning training?" She questioned, with an edge of excitement in her voice. "Or... does Mother...
  8. Calamari


    Registration Number: Q-515 Callsign: Pick Gender: Female Appearance: Combat Role: Recon Skills: Perception, Marksmanship, Stealth, Sniper Rifles Personality: Pick is a soft-spoken spectre with somewhat of an inferiority complex. Despite being told she was "special" and "better than...
  9. Calamari

    (Secure Contain Protect Roleplay) Study and Reclamation [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  10. Calamari

    Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

    Kass would wander outside, a deafeated look on her face and her "Weapon" pin barely hanging on to her jacket. She flops down on a bench, and waits, staring out in to nothingness. "Well... Looks like Im meister-less..." She says, to no one in particular. After tearing off her pin, she...
  11. Calamari

    Soul Eater-Second Generation

    If any meister needs a weapon, I'm here
  12. Calamari

    Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

    Kass would find a nice, secluded bench and lay down on it. She'd put her weapon pin on the ground in front of her, though it would be quite obvious with her next course of action. Her arms would slowly start becoming the two sides of her weapon form. It seems to be taking all of her...
  13. Calamari

    Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

    Kass would mingle with the students, actively chatting among her fellow weapons and attempting to scout out a meister. 'I might just have to go it alone,' she thought, 'No one here looks strong enough to even carry my weapon form as a weapon... maybe I should try to lose weight?'
  14. Calamari

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

    "Perhaps we can... You were looking for someone, right? I might have seen them, I pretty much live in alleyways."
  15. Calamari

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

    Kass would put an arm on the man's shoulder and say "I'm far from empty, sir. Though I may sound hallow, I'm real. Just not in the average sense of the world."
  16. Calamari

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

    "Oh, who did you think I was?" She inquires, and pulls her visor up to reveal her metal face and glowing eyes.
  17. Calamari

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

    "No, I wasn't trying to mug you," She says, "I was merely trying to find out what was causing such a ruckus down here. I try to stay out of fights, not pick them."
  18. Calamari

    Fandom Soul Eater-Second Generation

    Kass would walk up to the school, calmly blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth. She would have a calm expression on her face, as if she was just going to the store and not into a giant academy ran by lord death himself. She would open the door and slip inside, before taking a slow look...
  19. Calamari

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

    "He wasn't innocent, mind you! He challenged me to a duel, and it just so happened I was too good for his prolly royal ways!" Kass would shout out at him. "Now why don't you come back here and explain yourself, oh high and mighty Alchemist of amazement." She would taunt him, with every bit of...
  20. Calamari

    Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

    Kass would flip her visor down, put her newly-repaired hand back on, and then jump onto the roof of the building opposite of her, leaps back toward the building she was on, and then proceeds to ruin the building's masonry by digging her hands and feet into it to slow her fall. She would end up...