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  1. jackswar

    Land for all *RP*

    Grimly Tobias gathered his coat around him, although he could not stop it from fluttering around his legs, and looked down from the hilltop he stood on. His face twisted into a brief grimace as he thought of how much farther he would have to go. With a sigh, he hitched his pack up a little...
  2. jackswar

    Dead Hospital

    If its not too late, I'd love to join :) Name: Joesph Miller Age(16 to 30): 19 Reason at hospital: got into a car accident when he was racing Looks (pic please): Bio(if any): Unknown, no family or friends came to claim him, and now he was stuck with no memory of anything before...
  3. jackswar

    New rp

    I'm just curious if anyone is interested in rping in a war torn medieval world as carnival folk that have small magical powers related to carnival acts such as anmal trainers having control over animal minds, or a strong man capable of changing the mas of objects he touches making them weigh...
  4. jackswar

    Land For All! (A C C E P T I N G)

    Woohoo :D cant wait
  5. jackswar

    Land For All! (A C C E P T I N G)

    If I may be so bold as to submit this: Name: Tobias Denton NickName: Toby Age: 29 Creature age: 29 Abilities: Able to create fire in his hands ( Note - he can't breathe fire magically, his hands can just catch on fire, like a lighter so to speak. he needs the help of hard alcohol to...
  6. jackswar


    If its not to late I hope I can join :) Name: Malloy Nickname (if any): "Boy!!!" was shouted after him alot... Age: 10 but only looks 6 Gender: Male Looks: Grey eyes, light red hair and 3'8 Looks Wolf Form: Family: Unknown, was dropped off at a local orphanage until the age of 6...
  7. jackswar

    Hows it going everyone?

    Hi, my names Jack, I'm 27 and finally starting to have time to do my own thing, and getting back into rp is where I'm starting . I used to rp a lot but haven't in so long that I'm quite rusty, but eager to start writing again so it balances out I guess. Can't wait to meet you all :)
  8. jackswar

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)