Search results for query: *

  1. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn scratched her head, she couldn't remember anything from before she woke up today, though that was normal for her. She looked down at her outfit, a black prison jumper. "I don't think i had anybody missing me or that i would be missing.. if i could remember anyone that is." she said...
  2. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn looks over to Lucas, "Hi! My name is Azlyn, i don't know if we met yet, but hello anyway," she laughs. She let out a squeal and points when she looks down and notices a hole in Lucas's body. She thinks for a moment.... "um... can i just... uh..." she laughs at her idea and pokes her finger...
  3. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    "Oh crap, sorry, i apparently haven't logged you in my camera yet," she laughed. "Oh, and i found these in one of the rooms, i didn't know if i was supposed to take them or not," Azlyn said scratching her neck, "here," she smiled, handing the muffin to Mikuru. Her head spun as the girl continued...
  4. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn wakes up being prodded by the end of a gun... "wh-what's going on? where am i?" she rolls over and stands up, following the guard yelling at her to follow him. She gets lead into a large room with many other kids, and begins listening to an older man gathering everyone's attention. He...
  5. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn looks around the room, thinking. "we could always just try walking past them..." Azlyn looks down and takes off her battered shoes, holding them out to Aki, "or you could always throw something at them, Aki," she laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.  @Rosehaven17  @Angel_Mukti
  6. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn gulped and reached out a hand, "Adam, no," she whispered, "they haven't even touched us yet i don't think we should attack them. Has anyone even tried going past them without touching them yet?" she asks the whole group, grabbing hold of Adams arm, keeping him from doing something stupid.
  7. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn turns to Mikuru, still glancing at Lucas's legs. "I think i have something called perfect recall, my video told me so," she says, waving her camera slightly. She stands up and wraps her jacket around her waist. "I don't think we should fight those guys, we don't even know if they have any...
  8. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn laughs at Adam and crosses her legs. Placing in the SD card, she smiles with joy when it brings up recent videos. She clicks the latest one and listens to it. "hey me! so, according to the last video, you have horrible memory, duh, and oh! you're in jail. Your stupid face made a bomb and...
  9. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn squeals with joy and drops her jacket, reaching her hands out for the camera. "how did you do that?? no wait never mind, i don't care how, thank you so much!" she smiles excitedly, "you are a life saver, truly, now i can finally know who i am, yee," Azlyn's camera holds short clips of her...
  10. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn's eyes widen, "um, i think you may have made it worse..." she cringes at the circle of camera parts. She moves to sit in front of Adam, eager to see what he does next. She notices that the room seems to be warming up and she slides off her jacket. Her eyes widen at her shirt underneath...
  11. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    "hmm, that's really weird... who would want to kidnap this many people? And for what reason?" Azlyn tilts her head when Adam gets on one knee and she reaches into her pocket and places the dripping object into his outstretched hand. "I don't think there's any saving it, im pretty sure the...
  12. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn sniffed, and smiled slightly at Mikuru's gesture, she guessed there was nothing she could do about her camera. That part of her life was now gone. She sighed, her life starts at this point now, and she had to accept it. Mikuru mentioned powers, Azlyn wondered what she could mean. She...
  13. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn gasps and runs in the direction that Aki pointed in, she picked up the small black camera. As she lifted it in the air water gushed out of it, making a small pool on the floor by her feet. She frantically pushed the power button but it did nothing. Azlyn dropped to her knees and began...
  14. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn looks at Aki as she says hi, "Hey, do we know eachother? You're a student here right? Do you live here?" She bombards the girl with questions. Since she lost her camera she can't remember if she was always here or not. She knows that she slept here overnight in whatever she fell out of...
  15. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn raised an eyebrow as the girl continues waving at her. She smiles awkwardly and waves back slowly. "Um, hi, my name's Azlyn, hopefully we haven't met before, that's always awkward," she laughs but stops and thinks for a moment. "Wait, how long has everyone been here? Does no one know who...
  16. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn's head seems to clear and she blinks, ''sorry for drugging you?' what is that supposed to mean?' She looks over and goes to open her mouth but Adam continues talking. She smiles widely when he mentions her camera, "yes please! it's really important that we find it" She turns and looks...
  17. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn stops and her heart slows, she looks down at the ground confused as to why she was no longer worried about her camera. She looks up at the boy talking to her. He tells her they can look for it and she smiles and nods. "Hi Adam, my name's Azlyn. Are you another student here?" She asks...
  18. Kzadrin

    Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP)

    Pyro sat still at the edge of the waterfall, her eyes locked on a small cluster of marigold flowers at the other end. Her tail twitched and she began padding back and forth. She could easily swim, that wasn't the problem. It was the Whispering Wind Pack's territory. She had followed the river...
  19. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Azlyn continued to look around, her chest burning from her earlier coughing fits. Her head was spinning, 'Starlight academy? Students? I'm a student?' She thought to herself. She reached in her pocket to fish out her camera, the device she used before going to sleep every night so she can try to...
  20. Kzadrin

    Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

    Full Name: Azlyn Swan Age: 17 Appearance:   Power/Skill: Perfect recall and muscle memory (Able to read or watch something and forever remember that information or movement. Can mimic and physical movement, but only if seen. Cannot perform an act that incorporates something she...