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  1. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Milky needed to lay down a bit. She sat on the warp pad and putted the bubbles back in the backpack .Lead glass was whispering somethings with pearl . The amethyst who had tried too poof her 3 minutes ago came sitting with her. "Hey , I'm amethyst , sorry for almost proofing you. "It's okay...
  2. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    " well il he is half human, than he must be the son of a human ". Milky knelt  down to get to Steven height. "It's Steven isn't it? I'm milky Quartz. How old are you?" Milky wasn't a social person, but this tiny little child was too cute for her to be cold with. " I'm fourteen." Replied Steven...
  3. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    ...from our observatory in the mountain chain of the Alpes. Nice to meet you." " nice to meet you too. " answered pearl, a bit surprised. " now, where is rose quartz?" She looked pearl in the eyes, who lowered them." It's…*sigh* complicated " " is she…" asked milky " no ! … she on Steven's belly."
  4. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Thanks for saving me" said milky Quartz to crystal Quartz.the amethyst who had attacked her didn't seem to be hostile anymore. The other crystal gems seemed to be focuses on amazonite. They probably knew each other. Then she heard a soft voice coming from a little mezzanine near the front door...
  5. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Hey!" Milky Quartz summoned her boots, giving her a speed boost, and runner after pearl. The Milky Quartz 's were quick and agile by nature she jump above garnet and tried to take crystal Quartz's gem back. Pearl summoned her spear and throw it at milky, who had just the time to dodge the...
  6. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Well it is 5000 years old" (ps:shouldn't someone play Steven and the crystal gem at this point? I'm ok with doing it if no one of you want to do it)
  7. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Milky smiled. " yeah". She said, looking at the sea. The blue sea. Like the sky. Like Crystal eyes. Like Arctic blue, always here for here. The rose shells, like tourmaline, who worried more about trying to make a mess of milky long grey straight hair than the war. The green grass like jade...
  8. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    milky's light green eyes crossed crystal's deep blue. She knew how it felt to lose someone you were attached to. Milky was really bad at talking, forget express her feeling, but Crystal had been friendly to the light grey gem since she met her. And milky missed having a friend. She walked faster...
  9. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Milky Quartz didn't saw much at the supersonic speed they were traveling, but she could understood what Crystal Quartz ment. " earth sure is a beautiful place . Sad homeworld.." She couldn't finish her sentence. They brutally stooped before the sculpture of a giant fusion with a mask and eight...
  10. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Milky Quartz imitated Amazonite and took Crystal and Lead's hands. A sonic boom propagate trough the valley and the 4 gems where on there road to the crystal temple
  11. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "thats a cool power!" Smiled milky Quartz " way better then my night vision. Anyway, from what i heard, rose had 4 close friends living in the temple. A pearl, an amethyst, a bismuth and …euh… I think it was a fusion but I can't remember the name "
  12. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "Yes " milky Quartz pressed some button and a map appeared on the screen. Milky printed the map. She was about to shut down the engine, before realizing something. She searched the data base, but no information on corruption. " of course" she thought," the base must have been abandoned when the...
  13. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "We better start walking then. The sun will set soon and Unless you all got a way to see in the dark it's gonna be complicated to travel at night." Said milky Quartz while looking at the little clock on the control pad.
  14. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Milky quartz looked the two gems in the eyes." I was a crystal gem. But I'm afraid you're too late. The entire rebellion was... " she felt the weight of her bag more than ever. The gems bubbled inside that bag were what made her join the rebellion in the first place. They made her understand...
  15. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    Milky Quartz entered the QG followed by cristal  Quartz . It was composed of a main circular room with multiple doors and a big screen with a control pad at their left. There was no one to see. But milky Quartz though she saw a purple glow from one of the door .
  16. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    " I knew earth pretty well I was one of the first gem to explore it . You probably know that, milky quartz are explore who assure new planets are enough safe and rich to become colonies. And then I met artic bleu."
  17. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    " I was more lucky than you... My friends where all gems. But they got corrupted in the war. So I traveled all this time to find someone who could heal them." Milky Quartz spotted the old crystal gem QG on a hill. " here it is. It's a bit rusty but the security must still be active. Stay behind...
  18. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky Quartz profited from the occasion to learn more about her strange new road accolite. " who's is that Matt anyway? I never heard a gem called Matt."
  19. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky Quartz profited from the occasion to learn more about her strange new road accolite. " who's is that Matt anyway? I never heard a gem called Matt." While Milky and crystal Quartz made their way to the kindergarte, milky...
  20. T

    Fandom Steven Universe RP

    "But I think we have other things to worry right know. There's a lot of gems of here and I'm not sure they are all friendly. I know a place where it's pretty save. I can bring you there"