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  1. Riley R.

    Our Superpowers (May & Friends)

    Name: Riley Ridge Age: 13(high school student skipped seventh grade) Gender: Female Personality (optional): Riley is nice and kind once you get to meet her. Many mistake her for punk due to dying her bangs. She is a vegetarian and loves animals(her favorite is a cat she owns two.) She is...
  2. Riley R.


  3. Riley R.


    True but he is albino. Another question why so I not like him? Your reason was because he was Albino am I racist about my own race or is there another reason?
  4. Riley R.


    I know but this guy is albino like you say Rudith is.
  5. Riley R.


    yeah that is why I chose it. I like your new pic too is it that guy that you are rping
  6. Riley R.


    Because I felt like it.
  7. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

  8. Riley R.


    Hiya Alyssa!
  9. Riley R.


    This is my first time on a rp website. I am new to this so this is my introduction I guess.
  10. Riley R.

    My name is justice.

    Nice to meet you I just started roll playing on this website as well today
  11. Riley R.


  12. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

    I decide to follow May and her group of friends. As the rest talks and chats on the way I remain silent.
  13. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

    Shoot! I thought to myself. I had overslept on my first day of school. I quickly jumped out of bed and sprinted over to the closet and pulled out a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a lilac colored tanktop with a darker purple shirt over, and an emerald colored sweatshirt. I decided to skip...
  14. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Actual RP)

    {I am ready}
  15. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Accepting Forever)

    *Whispers* If you wanna reply you click the reply button. Just wanted to mention it. . . I know you're smart. I know
  16. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Accepting Forever)

    Also Dee you should read what's going on in the actual thread so you know what's happening when you join in ^-^ I did thanks for watching over me though
  17. Riley R.

    Pandemonium Academy (Accepting Forever)

    Name (Full: Riley Age: 16 Height: 5'0 Weight(optional): 95 Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): She is an albino. Her hair is long almost to her waist. Usually wears skinny jeans or yoga pants, and a tight fitted shirt and a hoodie. Job in...
  18. Riley R.

    thank you

    thank you
  19. Riley R.

    Well hey there guys!

    I just started today, and I love your avatar. I would love to rp with you if you would like, my favorite is animals.