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  1. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Helene huffed, reaching for her Farenheit dagger. Pulling her bloody white shirt away from her body, she reached beneath to rip open the half-tattered binder. She became even more feminine. Sweeping her hair out of the long tail it had been in, it fell down her shoulders in knots. She listened...
  2. Mir Lee

    The Choice is Ours [Inactive]

    Aradia looked around her plain grey room with gentle eyes. Scooping up a package that was addressed to her, she read the note slowly. "Ms. Aradia Lee, encased is the uniform for your new job: the scientist. Your hours are 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Your allotted break will be from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm."...
  3. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Helene looked at Lucy with level eyes. Her body was taut as revelation wracked her very being. There was a reason for her cunning, greatness at strategy, and wisdom. There was a reason for her valiance as a warrior and need to protect her subjects all the same. There was a reason for her...
  4. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    "I'm... a child of the Goddess...?" The Darkleer removed her military coat, leaving only a bloody white undershirt. She let herself became Helene again. Looking at the mysterious woman named Lucy, she touched the small mark on her forehead, laying on her third eye. The seat of psychic power...
  5. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    The Darkleer looked down at Haku with gentle blue eyes. She pulled the collar of her coat down, smiling at her sadly. She noted that one of her teeth was missing in the lower left corner of her mouth, presumably from a battle. Hearing someone use her real name made her feel like a human being...
  6. Mir Lee

    Welcome to the Castle, Darling (a Burlesque RP) [Inactive]

    Mir stood, gathering her dress in her arms with a certain lack of grace that only she possessed. Slipping behind a dressing curtain, she stripped down and flattened the cloth of the costume before her. It was black and purple in colour, the front of the dress short enough to show panties while...
  7. Mir Lee

    Wish Upon a Star

    ...extremely affluent as a guitarist. She picked up bass not long after, becoming affluent as a rhythm-keeper and a song writer. Personality: *Rebellious *Creative *Talented *Intelligent *Nerdy *Antisocial *Insecure *Kind *Generous Wish: "I want to be lovable; I want to be...
  8. Mir Lee

    The Choice is Ours

    Name: Aradia Miranda Lee Age: 21 Gender: Female Personality: Aradia is rebellious and musical. As a musician, she loves to play cello and guitar. She loves the darker side of life, and respects the uncanny and occult. She will rebel to anything she sees fit, very steadfast in her beliefs...
  9. Mir Lee

    The Choice is Ours

    May I apply? :3
  10. Mir Lee

    Welcome to the Castle, Darling (a Burlesque RP) [Inactive]

    The delicate violet and orange light of the setting sun flowed around the tops of buildings and the scarce trees in such a large city. A gentle breeze punctuated the awaiting gentle night, carrying dead leaves from their resting place on the ground to new homes. As the city bustled, a lone...
  11. Mir Lee

    Down The Rabbit Hole (Sign-ups)

    May I apply?
  12. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Rai sat by Haku's side, sipping the tea-- green tea with some kind of berry, he thought. He took in Lucy's every word almost religiously, clinging to what she said. A demon... The Goddess was part demon. He was in the middle of concerned though when Lucy's comment made him snap to attention. Rai...
  13. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Rai nodded at Haku. "I have faith in you, Haku. I have all the faith in the world in you. I know you won't fail. You have an army of citizens behind you willing to help, and you have us. There's no way you can fail," he said, trying to reassure her. Relinquishing his tender grip on her shoulder...
  14. Mir Lee

    Welcome to the Castle, Darling (a Burlesque RP)

    May I apply?Name: Miranda Aradia Lee Role: Dancer Stage Name: The Evil Queen Age: 21 Reason for Work: Miranda needs the money to help her pay for her college loans-- and hopefully to save up and return to her university to get her Masters' degree. Personality: Miranda is nerdy...
  15. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    The Darkleer nodded her head at Zane before being slapped. Lowering her head, she dared not strike back. "I don't know what lies behind those walls. And I sure as Hell don't know what they're capable of. But what I do know is that I have to fight for these innocent people. I will set them free...
  16. Mir Lee

    The Colossal's Falling [A Band RP]

    Whole Name: Miranda Aradia Lee Nickname(s): Mir Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Black, curly hair with blue streaks; fair skin; olive green eyes; five-foot-six; about 140 pounds Personality: - Independent - Nerdy - Affectionate - Creative -Moody...
  17. Mir Lee

    The Colossal's Falling [A Band RP]

    May I apply?
  18. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    The Darkleer groaned as the hilt of the sword met her abdomen. She lost all the air in her lungs, falling to her knees as she tried to breathe. Thinking at first that the man was an adversary, she reached back for her dagger to fight back. When she was scooped up and carried, hearing Haku's...
  19. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Rai stiffened when Haku let go, sensing her become rigid with concentration. He himself didn't hear the sound, only alerted when Haku spoke. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth drew into a thin line. Groveling for words, he found only a few. "We need time to regroup and tend to the wounded. We...
  20. Mir Lee

    A World Bathed in Blood.

    Rai smiled gently, letting her cling to him. He knew that Haku had been worried, but it surprised him that anyone would worry about someone as insignificant as himself. Sometimes, he wondered how insignificant he really was. He shook the thought off-- there was no time for insecurity. He smiled...