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  1. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates

    I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to drop out DX I guess just act like my character was never there or something. Again I'm so sorry.
  2. Sinopa

    The Sleepwalkers of the Realm Beyond [Inactive]

    ((Lol Dimme can't really do much for now xD )) Dimme: I stopped and looked back, though not looking at anything because I was on a higher level of plate forms. Giggling at the loud roars of the boy I fought before, who I never really got a name from, I turned back and continued walking. I...
  3. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates

    I'm not going to be on this weekend so I made my character sleep so no one gets stuck. =3
  4. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: "Oh, I'm feeling tired. Maverick would you mind taking control of my ship? The controls are pretty basic I guess. Just be sure to press the big blue button when you shut the door before you take your mask off. Make yourself comfortable your welcome to anything, just um don't eat anything in...
  5. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: I looked at the sketches with great interest. "Hmm interesting, I wonder what they are." "Hey there's a girl down there on a bridge." Bast meowed. " Oh? Is she a native?" I asked as I moved to the window. "Nope one of those people from before." Bast answered. "Oh, ok. Lets go get her." I...
  6. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: My eyes widened with excitement. "Sketches! Please!" I jumped up and walked to him.
  7. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    "So that means you must know more about the ground than the others!" I was smiling like a child on Christmas. "Do you know anything about the ground world? Have you seen any animals? Mutated plants? Other human like beings? What was the artifact you were looking for?" I asked quickly.
  8. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    "Why did they send you down there? What trouble did they run into? How long were you down there?" I asked, my curiosity grew with every passing moment.
  9. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: "Oh, uh thank you." I smiled, his words were comforting and thoughtful but didn't do much. "I just need some time. That's all. O-once I'm around a person long enough I can relax." I explained. "So, um, what brought you to London?" I asked trying to avert awkward silences
  10. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: "N-no problem." I said as the ship hovered next to Alex's. "Now all we have t-to do is wait for them to realize what happened and come up here themselves." I said as I spun the seat around to face him. "Make yourself at home. There's food in the fridge if your still hungry." I never looked...
  11. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: "Huh? Where are they?" I asked after waiting a few minutes. "Ok, Bast let's put our masks back on." I said as I steered the ship back down to where my new companions where standing. They looked like they were arguing. "Yeah, ok I'll just use my opposable thumbs to strap this thing on!" She...
  12. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: I smiled. "Ok, I'll fly her u-up now." I ran to my ship and jumped in. Before pushing the button to air our the ship I grabbed a small jar and took a sample of the toxic air, then shut the door. The ship hissed as the bad air left. When it was finally cleared I took off our masks then sat...
  13. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: "Oh um no thank you, I'll go get my ship and fly it up there. My ship is pretty small, is there enough room on your ship for me to land mine on?" I asked Alex.
  14. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: I smiled, turning my head to the side. "T-then I shall accompany you and your crew as a scientist and a medic."
  15. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: I hung my head. "Oh. I guess I should continue my research." I put my book back and sighed. I looked around but didnt see any more plants in the area. "If your staying down here for a while w-would you mind i-if I tagged along?" I needed to find more plants and I might as well join a group...
  16. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: "Pleased to meet you all, w-what brings you all here? Do you know if there are any other people down here? And do you know anything about the radiation?" I questioned as I pulled my pencil out and opened my book ready to write down anything and everything. "Meow." Be careful your inner mad...
  17. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    R: I frowned a bit when I heard her comment then brushed it off. "I am Rikian M. Vettori, b-but please call me R, and this is Bast." I scratched Bast's neck. "W-who are you all?"
  18. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    I chuckled slightly. "If your referring to a translator for your violin, I-i can not make a translator for something that isn't living, because it can not communicate like living beings. I-I'm sorry." I answered.
  19. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    "Um, depends o-on what you want on your violin. A-a translation device? Communications? Something else?" I answered as I looked to the side.
  20. Sinopa

    Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

    I pointed at Bast's collar, she held her head up. "T-this is a translator I made while a-ago. It translates what s-she says and sends it to a device at the ends of my glasses." I pulled my glasses off and pointed to the ends, the device was small and was inside the ends of the frame. I put them...