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  1. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Penelope was taken back a moment when she saw the young woman, it was amazing. Having this girl, Rebecca by her side would cause the case to move so much quicker then her and Brady solving it alone. What else, how did she not know about this? The fact that Vampires can actually manifest an...
  2. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    This was a lot for Penelope to take in, for her to hear about embracing, The Prince of New Orleans, the different generations of Vampires, it was rather confusing for her but she wasn't set back by it at all. The only thing that she pondered the most was the whole feeding off of Vampires. It...
  3. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Penelope was still feeling the rush from earlier, she figured the feeling would go away soon but it felt great, it's like she could do anything, invincibility at the time. She listened to what Samantha had to say and she took a bit to process all of it. Something about the whole different ways...
  4. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Without hesitation Penelope sucked on Samantha's wrist, drinking her blood slowly. At first the taste was bitter but as she drank she couldn't stop the pleasuring taste of it go down her throat. She couldn't stop, her mind was in a different place, she didn't even realize that she had moved...
  5. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Penelope bit her bottom lip pretty hard when she thought about what she said. In other words, she needed to be a blood bond to continue with this murder investigation or forget the whole thing. Her eyebrow began to twitch which meant she was nervous about agreeing to these terms but then again...
  6. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Penelope held her hand to her face, the one that she had hit the wall with, the dry blood was barely visable now that she had washed up a bit before coming to the mess hall. She bit into her finger nail rather hard, she was anxious, she was ready to leave. What bothered her the most was the fact...
  7. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    DPenelope listened to the woman talk, her head was pulsing for some odd reason, probably because she was getting informed about all the different types of vampires, hunters, and everything inbetween. Maybe she shouldn't have made that wise crack about bigfoot to Rick now. Zsasz rubbed her...
  8. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Gun raised and ready to fire she had it pointed directly to the woman's head. Fire was in her eyes and her blood was boiling, no one ever snuck up on Penelope like this. What bothered her the most was that her security piece that she kept in her door hadn't fallen out. She had learned that the...
  9. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Penelope listened very closely to Brady. He was definitely a genius for such a young age that it did impress her very much. So many questions that she wanted to ask but when he would speak he would answer them for her without him even knowing it. Biting her lower lip he kept her eyes on the...
  10. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    "The warrent won't be here for at least a day or so. So in the mean time we just need to figure out what evidence we have. Something about kramer doesn't fit right with me. She's a shady figure and I'm feeling like she has a past, a rather not so nice past. Before you go Rick I need you to do...
  11. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    "So in other words, I talk or say anything about these creatures I die. That's just lovely. You can't see my expression but I am utterly thrilled right now." Before she spoke another word she heard her actual phone go off. It was a text from Rick, he was wondering where she was. Looking at...
  12. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    "I'm always learning new things, you under estimate me deep voice." Her eyes never left Rick's, the pictures on the newspaper articles made him look like they were taken yesterday. He hadn't aged a day, if it was truely him. Deep down she wanted to deny the fact that it was him but the...
  13. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    Zsasz listened carefully, the voice was very mono-tone so she really couldn't get a distinct idea. Like most voices that sounded alike there was one thing to each vocal cords that made them different. Who ever it was obviously knew what they were doing. Penelope just stood in one spot, she did...
  14. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    God, Penelope loved being a bad cop. This woman tried to get under her skin but being on the force for to long caused her to never jump at a sudden punch of intelligence. The whole time she spoke Penelope kept to herself, it was like the old T.V. shows where the cop would just let them sit in...
  15. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    "Assume as much as you want Ms. Kramer but how the person died is none of your concern." Zsasz was already getting peeved at this chick. For some reason she wanted to reach right across the desk and slap her so hard that she'd be seeing black and blue for two weeks. Preppy, plastic girls made...
  16. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    " got a theory on bigfoot too?" She looked at Travers, shaking her head she decided to smack him on the back of his head before turning away and giving the body one last look. She couldn't help but feel rather intrigued by his opinion. Yes it was a bit far fetch but this had never...
  17. Penelope Zsasz

    Innocent Blood [Inactive]

    "Not bad kid." Zsasz said from across the body. When she heard him continuously butcher her last name she didn't even want to acknowledge that she was his partner. The fact that the chief made her have a partner still tasted bitter to her. She never worked good with other people and the fact...
  18. Penelope Zsasz

    Bounty. (Retribution and Penelope Zsasz)

    You do realize he's getting desperate right? He's probably doing this just to get your attention or he wants you dead. Don't let this go to your head Penelope, your vital signs are increasing. Oracle was right, her blood was pumping. Nothing got her more riled up then being framed for...
  19. Penelope Zsasz


    Oh wow! I really like this! I'm in for this roleplay.
  20. Penelope Zsasz

    Wanted: 1x1 Roleplay Partner(s)

    Hey! I'm in. I'm looking for some 1x1 roleplays.