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  1. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu watches as the Khajiit attempts to attack* "What in the name of the nine..?" Erizu says while the Khajiit charges at Morph, the alcohol in its breath is clearly smelled and makes Erizu scrunch his face up, the whiskers of the Khajiit droop low over its blue and black striped fur, it...
  2. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu looks around whiterun, the familiar landscape and buildings all around him, memories flooding all at once* "Well, i'm sure we'll find out soon, if the creator wanted us all together, i'm guessing he'll find a way." -Erizu turns to Morpheus, the guards glare at us and one proceeds to...
  3. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Morpheus and Erizu make it to Whiterun, they are stopped by a guard at the gate* "Stop right there, Whiterun is isolated to all outside visitors because of this damned plague, we are not accepting any further travelors" The guard says sternly -Erizu glares at the guard, he looks him over...
  4. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    -Erizu points to a blond nord, long hair, brown eyes and a five o clock shadow.- "There he is." -Erizu waves and calls out to the blacksmith.- "Alvor! It's me, Erizu!" -Erizu and Morpheus walk over to the black smith and he greets them as always, and looks over to Morpheus and asks for...
  5. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    -Erizu arches his eyebrow at the mention of a Daedra.- "You mean those gray, red face paint wearing freaks of nature? Yeah i've heard of them" -Erizu tilts his head at Morpheus, unsure of whats going to happen next.-
  6. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    -Erizu hears this, he is speechless for once, and remains silent.- -They arrive to the familiar foundations of wooden houses and a stone road, guards roam around as the townspeople do their daily errands, Erizu take a huge whiff of the forest air and the sounds of the roaring rivers and...
  7. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    -Erizu frowns at Morpheus.- "I learned it from my brother when i was 13." -Erizu and Morpheus walk alongside the riverbank, the roaring waters near us drowning out the sign as the sun shines down at us, we walk on the stone pathway at the side of the river.- "What do you have in mind when...
  8. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    -I nod.- "It isn't far at all, we could restock, i know the blacksmith there, he could give us discounts on equipment there, His name is Alvor the 4th." -I walk out of Falkreath with Morpheus and pull out my violin and play this, just without the lyrics.- "You better get used to me...
  9. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    -Erizu nods at the last statement.- "I practice in destruction magic, Conjuration, Illusion, and restoration. But i know how to use a blade when i need to" -Erizu would pull the Dwarven sword from his scabbard on his waist.- "This is my enchanted Dwarven sword, I call it "Hells Fury"...
  10. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu responds to Morpheus* "I have never gone to High Gate no, I have no reason to go east, especially after at how even after 100 years, people still find ways to hate Altmer." -Erizu shakes his head head and looks at Morph.- "Tell me, what do you specialize in?"
  11. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *They continue the conversation* "What a coincidence, Strapping young man?" -Erizu chuckles and then shakes Morph's hand.- "I am Erizu Domanak, an Altmer. And you are?"
  12. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu is approached by Morph* "I'm afraid i don't, The only map i have is the one i will be using to travel to High Gate ruins, I am just waiting here for any warriors who wish to accompany me, the pay is quite good."
  13. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu walks around, putting signs up, promising large amounts of gold to accompany him* "Good, any warrior will respond with the right amount of coin, now to play the waiting game." -Erizu waits in the specified place that he said to go to, he leans against the wall, waiting for a...
  14. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *The atronach appears in front of me* -As the blinding light appears, i instinctively throw my arm in front of me to block the light, I listen to its words" "High Gate? What do they need me there for..? Blight, do they mean the plague? So many questions.." -Erizu turns in the directions...
  15. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu shouts at the old man and gets up from the table, he walks outside and looks around* "The College... pfft. What a waste of time, this plague thing will be over in a matter of days, i don't see why everyone is getting so riled up about it." -Erizu checks into his bag and pulls out a...
  16. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu makes it to falkreath after a tedious journey, he walks into "Dead mans drink" and pulls out a note, describing the man he is supposed to meet here* -Erizu sees the man with the fitting details and pulls up a chair, sitting in front of him and looking at the old robed man.- "What did...
  17. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

    *Erizu walks in the swampy marsh of Morthal playing his violin* -Erizu comes across the main town, he asks for directions to Falkreath, A guard responds with.- "Falkreath eh, well Falkreath is south-east of here, be wary of mudcrabs and sabercats on the way" Erizu nods, he walks in that...
  18. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague

    Nice character.
  19. UltimateDominic

    The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague

    Appearance [Picture] : Name: Erizu Domanak Age: 24 years old Gender: Male Hair color/length: Black, Long, To his shoulders Eye color: Yellow Race: Altmer [High Elf] Height: 6" 5' Weight: 160 Skills: One Handed, Conjuration, Destruction magic, Restoration, Illusion, Alchemy...