Search results for query: *

  1. Misha Mondrian

    Long term partner wanted

    Hey, I'm quite impressed by your experience and scenarios. One question, though—sometimes my characters speak in colloquialisms (perhaps if they were a roguish, western sheriff), and I was wondering your limit for decidedly American dialogue. [My narrative prose is always grammatically intact...
  2. Misha Mondrian

    Looking for a long-term 1x1 partner to play a Male role.

    Hi— I have a few plot ideas over in another thread, but the ones that could lend themselves to romance would probably be: —Shipwrecked British mutineers in the 1800s Pacific, with native islanders —A group of research scientists in a 22nd-century station orbiting Jupiter —The lives and...
  3. Misha Mondrian

    Original Plots — Searching for Lit. Partners

    Hey, I'm looking for literate or semi-literate partners for original RP scenarios, whether they're mysteries, dramas, romances, or some combination thereof. Hopefully, there will be an emphasis on setting and world-building, as well as long-term character development. Some ideas and settings...