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  1. Finnsmyth

    Looking for Partner/Small Group

    Sorry, had to go on a roadtrip with my parents this weekend so I wasn't able to get online. I feel behind...oh well, I'll try to go catch up with everything, sorry about the wait!
  2. Finnsmyth

    Looking for Partner/Small Group

    If you don't mind, could you make the thread? And yeah, small groups usually work out better - at least, in the books it seemed as though that was the case, lol. Thanks :)
  3. Finnsmyth

    Looking for Partner/Small Group

    That's even more of a reason to re-read them! Anyway, I personally don't have any ideas towards what we'd do in such a RP but the White-Red romance would be an interesting storyline to play with; I was personally a fan of the story in which Wizards had to defend themselves and then get revenge...
  4. Finnsmyth

    Looking for Partner/Small Group

    Hey guys, I'm new here but I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head so I thought I'd get them out before I forget; who knows, maybe someone will like said ideas. Who: Two people/multiple people that end up together because they all have magic/supernatural powers. Plot: Because they are...
  5. Finnsmyth

    Why Hello There

    Thanks so much!
  6. Finnsmyth

    Why Hello There

    I wasn't inferring that I wanted a roleplay like that, just that it was what gave me a push to join a site like this. Anyway, thanks for the welcome!
  7. Finnsmyth

    Why Hello There

    Hello, my name is Justin and I'm addicted to roleplaying. That being said, I haven't actually RP-ed in a long, long time but after my friends brought up how they were playing D&D by themselves - no board, no set-up, just on Skype - and I realized they were roleplaying with a God figure, I...