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  1. StaleWhiteBread


    Sorry about that, dude :( You'll be missed. Sergei will pour one out for his drunk mage bro.
  2. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "Exterminator? Me? Never!" Sergei flexes his arms in various poses, and suddenly... pop! A small flower comes up from the ground at Sergei's feet. "My only wish is to make beautiful things with my magic. I don't want to harm anyone, not even smelly, dirty rat!" He's very firm on the...
  3. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "Hah! Sorry, friend, but the time for eating is not quite yet. Now is the time of tricking little rats!" He gestures to everyone else, asking what they think.
  4. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "I could never hurt a little rat!" he said, remembering his promise to his family to value all creatures great and small. "But maybe... If I could get them to leave, he'd surely pay me. He would never know the difference, no?" Sergei claps his hands, and smiles at his friends. "How does it...
  5. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    As the merry band of adventurers and some llama who just kind of appeared walked deeper into town, Sergei remembered that he had no money. And his stomach was grumbling. He thought that, perhaps, the baker or someone in town would need the services of a mage of the highest caliber, and decided...
  6. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    Sergei flexed his muscled in preparation for his favorite spell of all, voice amplification. "THEN TALLY HO, BRETHREN! OFF TO THE DENTIST WE GO!" He cheerfully lead the charge off towards the town, not knowing what the future would hold, but certain that it would be filled with adventure...
  7. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "I think that coward tried to kill those heroes without us to protect them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to do it." Sergei beckons for everyone to gather round. "Where should we go? We need to get information against this devil of a man."
  8. StaleWhiteBread


    I saw it, it's pretty awesome. I'm excited.
  9. StaleWhiteBread


    Oh, okay. Did they post a sheet in the overview?
  10. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    Sergei gives Jerron a hearty pat on the back. "There we go, friend. Let it all out." He turned to the Bison rider. "As for you, Beast man, we could always use a brave warrior on our journey for justice! Care to come along? "
  11. StaleWhiteBread


    Wait, who's this Hathid guy?
  12. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    Sergei is distraught. He hadn't meant to hurt his new friend so. "Bony man! I am quite sorry for saying what I did. Is there anything Sergei Stroganov can do for you?" He walks to him, offering a hand of friendship. "Maybe if we work together, we can bring that terror to justice." Having...
  13. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    Sergei is quite visibly alarmed by this. "You speak like a man, yet you have the face of a monster! Have you been cursed, friend?
  14. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "Ah, armored friend, would you be so kind as to pick up that paper?" Sergei would pick it up himself but he fears he'd fall over. He then runs over to his burning robed friend, ready to accost whoever would hurt him. "Who did this to you? I will show them what a true Wallachian Mage can do!"
  15. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "Is okay, friend! I shall put out the fire and heal your wounds!" Sergei begins to flex a minor healing spell.
  16. StaleWhiteBread


    Name: Sergei Stroganov Age: 35 Class: Mage Bio: Born to the Stroganov clan, his family expected him to follow in his father's footsteps and become a strongman in the circus. But, even as his mighty body grew to enormous proportions, even as he had became HUGE, he always felt that his one...
  17. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "Greetings, brother!" Sergei goes to give him a massive hug, but not before attempting to put out the flames engulfing his new friend.
  18. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    "Where should we go?" Sergei asks. "It seems that Balthazar has fled, and we have no way of tracking." Sergei looks around himself for something to help put out the fires, or at the very least to curb the spread. "Does anyone need help from a mighty mage and his friends?" he bellows to the...
  19. StaleWhiteBread

    Fantasy Badventurers

    Sergei hangs his head in respect. "Comrades," he says, "we are all that is left. As far as we know, only we can protect our adopted home." He flexes a prayer to the spirits of magic.
  20. StaleWhiteBread

    Badventurers - Settings/Locations

    Wallach: A town in the region of the same name with a long-standing circus, well known for its performers. Deep in the tundra, they eek out a living farming what they can, attracting business with their performances and craftsmen. They make excellent woodcarvings out of the tall, sturdy trees...