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  1. Rise draigar

    Fantasy The God Game

    "Qan'cath i wold have law with the lands, let us fix the brothers mistake and on a new world let it have the law of reaction." Nissenia spoke as if here personalty changed with her dropping a mess of elements into another world's oceans and small microbes took shape. "call it chemical reaction"...
  2. Rise draigar

    Fantasy The God Game

    dry lands are boring we should add waters"she said. then she cast out magic to the planets created by Bara and storms took shape creating oceans. "do with that what you want aqua i want these lands to be interesting. it would be something to learn from." she spoke again and went to her self...
  3. Rise draigar

    Fantasy The God Game

    "the light seems nice but land would start a better picture"Nissenia said shyly and speaks again, "the basic elements should react with on another may i ask you Bara to form lands".
  4. Rise draigar

    Fantasy The God Game

    the void fascinated Nissenia like as if she just received a new toy to play with. she quickly begins to think paying no mind to the other gods.
  5. Rise draigar

    Fantasy The God Game

    God Name: Nissenia Domains:Art,Knowledge,Curiosity Personality: Generally bored with occasional out bursts of anger when she is unable to decide on what to create. Cares mainly for that which she can learn from,(normally curious). she is childish. will grow attached to many collections of...
  6. Rise draigar


  7. Rise draigar


  8. Rise draigar

    hi hello lol

    opps did not mean for that to copy
  9. Rise draigar

    hi hello lol
