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  1. Party For Rats

    Realistic or Modern Loudwater, USA (Supernatural Town RP - Always Accepting)

    Allen Hathaway Library Thud. Allen drops a stack of six books on the checkout counter. One fantasy novel, the biography of Stephen Hawking, a book about fractals, a book about the chemistry of pastry baking, a murder mystery novel, and a self-help book, which he admittedly picked out because...
  2. Party For Rats

    Realistic or Modern Loudwater Census

    BASIC INFORMATION Name: Allen Hathaway Aliases: Azalea Hill (Drag name/Stripper name) Age: 27 Gender: Male PERSONAL Sexuality: Homosexual High Concept: A whirlwind of sex, drugs, emotionality, stripping, prostitution, and quiet days spent inside playing LoL. Occupation: Freelance manual...
  3. Party For Rats

    Realistic or Modern Midway-falls [characters]

    Allen Hathaway Ol' Quickie 27 Male Big Homosexual Lower class Which area of town do they live in?: The ghetto Nationality: Caucasian Languages: English, latin Accent: Northern American height: 6'8 weight: 180 skin-tone: Concerningly pale clothing style: He ranges from plain...
  4. Party For Rats

    Realistic or Modern Loudwater City Hall

    oh cool! i'll fill out a character app in a second
  5. Party For Rats

    Realistic or Modern New York City Roleplay

    Im super interested. I have a strung out physics major who'd fit perfectly into this rp.
  6. Party For Rats

    Realistic or Modern Loudwater City Hall

    hey uhhhhhhhhh this still happening ???
  7. Party For Rats

    New in town

    hey whats up! my name is Sorin, i'm something of a veteran rper, and i'm here in light of the tumblr meltdown! I hope to make lots of cool friends and cool threads here