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  1. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    @CHIMNY Yes, Spark has left unfortunately. @UnwantedTruth There's a battle going on. Spark has just died and taken out the villain Multiplex. Demonborn is being apprehended by CHIMNY/Snake. Vipress is still in hiding within her smoke; she has released a lot of it in the area and it's...
  2. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Sorry for my absence guys. My gf and I decided to stay on holiday a few extra days :) But i'm back now! And Spark/Reiishi has decided to part with the RP.
  3. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    BOOM! The bomb attached to the grapple gun exploded sending ripples through the military base. Demonborn lay on the ground covered in smoke and injuries. Deadshock charged up his iron fists and sprinted towards the rhino. Sparks of electricity trailed behind him as he built up enough moment to...
  4. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Merry Christmas everyone! Will resume regular posting in a day or two!
  5. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Demonborn deflected as many shurikens as he could with his sword but there too many at too close range. One shuriken embended itself into his armor. "AAAAAARGHHH!!!" He screamed as the shuriken in his armor began releasing its painful shock. With his gun he shot at Snake's Knee, chest, head and...
  6. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Through the pink gas Dead shock pounced on his prey like a lion on a gazelle. He gripped Spark by the throat and roared as he drained the poor guardian of his electricity. "I'M FEELING ECSTATIC!!!" he roared. Spark struggle to free himself from the sheer strength of the brute. Vipress emerged...
  7. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    The grapple was halted in it tracks. A firm grip tightened on the neck of grapple. Demonborn barely flinched in the chaos and clutter of the battlefield. "You're mine!" He signalled to snake. The grapple gun and rope suddenly burst into flames. With his sights set on snake, Demonborn began his...
  8. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Gerald was originally a thief not a fighter, but as he stood beside his fellow recruits he felt there was nobody else he'd rather be fighting next with. Not too long ago they were a very dysfunctional team but as his friends lined up beside him he felt empowered and invincible. He turned his...
  9. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Hmmm. That's quite interesting. Accepted but not too sure how you'll be able to enter the story.. Hmmmm...
  10. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    "What did I miss?" Ed and Alice said in unison. "You two are quite lucky, the party is about to start" Gerald smirked under his mask as he took a fighting stance.
  11. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    He was in the lab with you guys.
  12. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    @DaManofWar Did you read my post? There are 3 things you have to agree to first. Also, it doesn't make sense for Blanc to be alive as he has been executed. That why I suggested a clone.
  13. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    As the helicopter landed on the base he looked around at the other guardians. Spark, Evo, Scout, Orbit, Merchant... Where was Winter? had they gone without here? God dammit? he thought to himself. He scanned the area to see broken planes, a burnt out air strip and dead soldiers who had been...
  14. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    You may under the condition that you 1. Don't god mode: you have to take damage. 2. Be a team player: there no place for lone wolves here. 3. Start again as a new character or clone.
  15. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Act Two Gerald smiled in relief as Merchant imprisoned the Puppetmeister. Thank goodness we don’t have to see him anymore, he thought to himself. As he began walking towards the others, the sound of incoming helicopter could be heard. Wind came gushing down on Gerald as the helicopters came in...
  16. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Gerald smiled as Merchant reappeared. "We're not done yet, Winter" he said to Alice. "Is there someplace you can put the meister?" he asks Dale. The puppetmeister was still laughing hysterically. The other were exhausted and Scout was still in a critical condition. If this is what it took to...
  17. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    The undead began to chuckle and one by one they began to fall to the ground. Their blank eyes now covered by their eyelids. The smell of death stained the atmosphere even more than when the Guardians had arrived. The fires had burnt themselves out and all was quiet. All was still. The only...
  18. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    "GERALD!!!" He heard Snake's cries. With a sprint to Merchant and snake, Gerald phased them both out of the wires. "Cmon spark! Finish this!"
  19. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    You are accepted under the conditions: 1. No God-modding 2. Don't go around wrecking everything. This is a story RP with action elements NOT a combat RP. 3. Wait for the current Villain to be taken care of. If you agree to these terms please post that you will agree below. I will then...
  20. SuperFudge

    Realistic or Modern Guardians (Superpower RP for beginners)

    Gerald began running through the crowd of undead kicking and punching any of them who were grabbing on to him. It wasn’t long before he was surrounded and immobilized by the undead. “GOD DAMMIT!” He yelled as he tried to free himself. The sound of large wings swooped through the air. Within...