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  1. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

    Her serious appearance almost faltered, after the man got a step to close. She kept her ground though, the only physical thing that changed, was that she got tense in her shoulders. Finn's first instinct was to cross her arms over her chest, a subconscious she did occasionally. Finnick's brow...
  2. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

    Finnick acknowledged the man by looking over her shoulder, but didn't let up her brisk pace, "Isn't it obvious?" Her tone wasn't hostile, but of honest curiosity, "I've heard there isn't much in Winterhold, besides the college." She let a slight smile cross her lips, her words edged with pride...
  3. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

    She ceased from rubbing her head after hearing the name of her race, "Ah, noticed I'm not from here? If I'm not mistaken... you are too?" She squinted at his facial features, even though his accent was lacking, he definitely has Breton features like herself. "Oh, and about that. It's nothing...
  4. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

    Finnick trudged the last bit of land between her and the market hub Whiterun, giving a sigh of relief that she finally made it. She had walked the entire way from Falkreath to where she is now, and she could really go for a decent meal and a warm bed. But her joy was cut shot, when the two...
  5. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

  6. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

    Finnick's interest was peaked for a moment, while she watched a horse driven cart pass my at least twice as fast was she was going. Maybe she could pick up a ride- no. Not again. She had caught herself in some trouble with those blasted cart drivers in High Rock, and she was damned if that would...
  7. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM } [Inactive]

    Finnick hiked on the cobblestone path leading towards Whiterun. Casually reading a novel on Dwemer Ruins, while somehow not tripping on any stray tree roots or rocks. She took her eyes off the book for only a moment, just to check where the sun in the sky was. To her luck, the sun was just about...
  8. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM }

    so... when are we going to start :?
  9. Rheanna

    { SKYRIM }

    Name: Finnick Mastercroft Age: 22 Gender: Female Race: Breton Personality: Smart-mouth, a bit of a know if all, gets embarrassed easily, trying to get over the habit of pick-pocketing, surprisingly big-hearted under all the big talk. History (Optional): Finnick lived with her parents...
  10. Rheanna

    single and ready for pringles

    single and ready for pringles