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  1. Quevedo

    Fandom Game of Thrones - Original 1x1 Roleplay

    Well, I don't think you will be pleased with my answer. As I've stated up there I don't really want to present a plot and then find people that like it. I would much rather find someone that is interested in creating something with me from scratch. I have some basic ideas for plots and whatnot...
  2. Quevedo

    Fandom Game of Thrones - Original 1x1 Roleplay

    Still looking!
  3. Quevedo

    Music nonmainstream Music artist

    Not certain if Death Grips is still non-mainstream or not. They have become quite popular! Either way, Death Grips are great!
  4. Quevedo

    Literature Favorite Game of Throne Characters? (Top Three) (Careful for Spoilers!)

    1. Oberyn Martell - Because he's awesome. 2. Margaery Tyrell - Probably one of the most intelligent characters on the show and I have a small crush on Natalie Dormer. 3. Bronn - I was going to place Tyrion as my third but Bronn is simply too charming and funny not to be on this list. He...
  5. Quevedo

    Other explain your icon/avatar/profile picture/whatever

    One of my favorite characters ever and I feel like I can relate to him since we're born in the same country.
  6. Quevedo

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you all.

    Thanks everyone for the welcomes, I appreciate it. I think I'm gonna enjoy this site!
  7. Quevedo

    Any Witcher fans?

    I'm currently playing Blood and Wine and enjoying every second of it. I'm also reading The Last Wish which is very entertaining.
  8. Quevedo

    What is a game that you hate, but a lot of people love?

    Undertale, easy! I can see the charm in it but I just can't stand the gameplay.
  9. Quevedo

    Fandom Game of Thrones - Original 1x1 Roleplay

    Greetings! (I'm not certain whether this thread should be on the Fandom section or not but here goes!) What am I looking for? I am looking for someone interested in doing a one-on-one roleplay that takes place in the Game of Thrones universe. More specifically I would like the story to...
  10. Quevedo

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you all.

    As a Star Wars guy I have to go with the Bond Q! :)
  11. Quevedo

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you all.

    Hello there, I thought that I might as well do one of these introductions, maybe it'll lead me to my first friend or roleplaying partner. Either way, I'm Quevedo, but you're free to call me "Q" since most tend have difficulties spelling my name. I've been roleplaying on and off for nearly six...