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  1. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    Alright, done! I just did the Headmistress and the Heads of Houses for now. We can make up more teachers if we need to!
  2. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    I think it'd be cool to incorporate both known characters from the Harry Potter series and made up ones! I can make a chart and post it in the character thread in a few minutes.
  3. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    Okay, first post is up! Let me know if anything doesn't sound quite right; it's been a while since I've done a Hogwarts RP
  4. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    Oh and are we starting at the beginning of their seventh year?
  5. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    That sounds great! I haven't put much thought into incorporating Polyjuice but that sounds like it'd be a lot of fun! Ben isn't very good in Potions class so it'd be funny if Alex was better than him. I also think it'd be interesting if they brewed Amortentia and realized that one of the scents...
  6. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    I'm fine with starting while you finish up! Are we beginning with them being paired up in a shared class? I think Herbology or Charms might be best for that. Ben is great at charms and would be very quick to tease Alex for not getting things right (or get competitive if Alex is also good at...
  7. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    @Dude In Distress My CS is finished! I put "apple-shampoo" as one of his amortentia scents because I figure that's what Alex uses haha
  8. Specter

    One x One Theater RP 1x1

    He looks great! I'll try to have my CS up by the end of the day!
  9. Specter

    One x One No. 6 RP (Phantasia and Specter)

    Sorry for not replying yesterday! I think them being introduced by teachers is a good idea! Like Nezumi saves Shion's life in the parking lot (which, in his eyes, means that the debt he owed Shion for saving his life as a child is repayed, though he still can't stop thinking about Shion) and...
  10. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    Full Name: Benjamin Ross Foster Nicknames: His friends and teammates call him Ben or Foster. He was usually called Benji as a child, but since starting school at Hogwarts has insisted no one call him that. However, he doesn't mind when Alex uses the nickname. Gender: Male Sexual...
  11. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    I'm posting what I have so far. I won't be able to finish it today unfortunately, but I'll get to it as soon as I'm done with my friend!
  12. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    Oh I forgot to take those out when I was editing the CS template, just ignore them ^^
  13. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    That's alright! I'll hopefully have mine done within an hour or two. I won't be able to start the in character RP today though because I'll be sleeping over with a friend tonight. Are you in GMT by the way?
  14. Specter

    One x One Hogwarts (Specter and Dude In Distress)

    I was able to get some basic character stuff done tonight! I'm going to bed now but I'll hopefully be able to get my CS done in the morning! Until then here's a shitty tumblr aesthetic board thing I made and some small facts about him ^^ • Name: Benjamin Foster (Ben or Foster to his...
  15. Specter

    working on a CS for Hogwarts 1x1 before any others but i'm still able to discuss plots and...

    working on a CS for Hogwarts 1x1 before any others but i'm still able to discuss plots and characters for other RPs!
  16. Specter

    One x One No. 6 RP (Phantasia and Specter)

    For character study purposes I kinda want to keep the AU close to following the original plot, especially since I've never roleplayed No.6 before and don't want to accidentally get OOC haha I really like those ideas though, so if we get to a point where we're bored with the high school AU...
  17. Specter

    i'll be back online in about 30mins or an hour!

    i'll be back online in about 30mins or an hour!
  18. Specter

    One x One No. 6 RP (Phantasia and Specter)

    Let's talk about plot first! Do you want to do something canon-compliant or more AU? I think modern high school AU could be interesting (resident rebel Nezumi saved by future salutatorian Shion as kids, later when the two are in high school Nezumi returns the favor and their complicated...
  19. Specter

    aw man I didn't get any points luckily

    aw man I didn't get any points luckily
  20. Specter

    One x One No. 6 RP (Phantasia and Specter)

    I usually don't have a preference but I'm going to be cosplaying Shion soon so would it be okay if I played him? Just to get more familiar with his character so I can act more in-character while cosplaying