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  1. ColorTheWind

    In class

  2. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    Hazel herd the announcment which told everyone to go to the commons and was a little confused. First off she didn't even know where the commons were, so that would be challenging, and second she was just confused on if the announcement was about something good or bad.
  3. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    "Wow," Hazel said with astonishment. The veiw over the school was breath taking. Hazel was so glad that she had finally found her best friend. Hazel said in her mind, "I am going to make this year great." As Hazel looked over at Violet, who still had her eyes closed, she closed her eyes as well...
  4. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    "Do you mind coming with me on a tour of the school? I want to see more of the school but still want to catch up with you." Hazel asked Violet shyly.
  5. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    "Oh hey," Hazel said to Violet as she approched them.
  6. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    "At least one person talked to me besides Violet," she thought to herself.
  7. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    Hazel shook Shun's hand and smiled. "It's so nice to meet you," Hazel said with a smile.
  8. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    Hazel watched the boys walk away, feeling a little annoyed but mostly focused on Violet. She was thinking about all the adventures that they would do together and all the people they would meet. Hazel looked across the room and notices a boy looking at her. She didnt know who he was so she...
  9. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    "Hello Crisis and Ash," Hazel said witha big smile on her face. She was so excited to have finally found Violet that she could hardly hold back her tears of joy. Hazel wrapped her ams around Violet and said to her, "I am so happy that I found you!"
  10. ColorTheWind

    Fantasy Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures. Applications closed

    Hazel was amazed at how big the school was. As Hazel walked down the hall the only thing that she was focused on was finding her best friend. As a girl walked past Hazel, she was sure that the girl looked familiar. She ran over near the girl just to make sure and she was right, and she was, it...
  11. ColorTheWind

    Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures.

    Picture (if you can find if not description) Age: 17 Race : Shapeshifter Name: Hazel If shapeshifter give shift: Snow leopard Why you are joining the school: I wanted to go to meet my best friend who moved away a long time ago. Gender (if any): girl Sexual orientation (if any...