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  1. PrarieMan

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Will we ever get accepted
  2. PrarieMan

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    (Hey man if we can wanna be dorm mates I think our characters would get along good.)
  3. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    (Yeah sorry I do need to work on that) Crane sails on the ship contemplating on what he needs to do next.
  4. PrarieMan

    Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

    Name: Crane ogelthorp Nickname:Spike Age:19 Gender:make Gift:Ability to breath under water and very good at making poisen. Abilites:Up there at gifts. Personality:Can be very rude and mean but very smooth. Bio:Crane is a race of mutants looking like lizards in so many ways, he has...
  5. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    (I have one I see mine here)
  6. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    All the men in the army charge death stabbing him and shooting him as crane uses the most powerful spell he knows to banish death to the under world for a few minutes as he retreats to his boat and gets back to the kingdom.
  7. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    Crane yells another spell and disappears into the kingdom leaving the fight.
  8. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    "You bitch why won't you die men CHARGE" The army of pirates charges through but not all of them only 10 of his best men,"Help me you fools and the others leave take the ship back to the kingdom I'll get out of here my self," the men distract death as crane whispers a teleportation spell quickly...
  9. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    Crane screams,"you fucker" crane screams a spell and cannon balls fall from the sky and slam the hull of the ship hitting crow and throwing death to the ground, he walks over and slashes a fire beam with his sword cutting through the air.
  10. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    Crane calls his men off,"Men hold off I will fight him one on one and if I die Fane you will be the captain," Crane whispers words no one could hear as he finished a red glow comes aroung his Pistol firing a red fire beam piercing deaths torso,"I hate to do this but I have known magic for many...
  11. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    As the harbor felt quiet and still the screams from the town alarmed the 3,"So crow you don't agree with my terms, shame you just ended all these live you fool you will pay for what you have done or not done,"Crane is seen shooting inocent civilians as his army slices through buildings with cannons.
  12. PrarieMan

    Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

    Crane fires his gun in the aie, "hey guys help me I think somethings behind me," A giant wolf creature leaps out chasing crane.
  13. PrarieMan

    Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

    "Hey you can you help me I was in a ship crash and I can't find my crew," Crane yells at her waving his hands.
  14. PrarieMan

    Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

    Crane wakes up on the bea ch and screams for anyone,"Hey guys," No one answers, he walks up to the broken debree and finds his engineering suit with stronger fibers than his shirt, he puts it on and finds a small Pistol with half the ammo, 6 bullets, he walks into the forest to find survivors.
  15. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    Crow opens the letter nad it reads,"Hello crow this is crane and if you have this my men are either dead or returning I don't really care with either any ways I have sent you this to give my demands, you will give the location of death and be spared or if you refuse I will set siege to the...
  16. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    The man says,"wanna be silent eh", the men leap up and charge crow ith guns firing and hitting his chest while they atab and jab at him, the man with the letter gives one swift puch to the face knoking him unconscious leaving the note on him.
  17. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    A man walks up to crow holding a letter ask the man,"Are you crow," the man ask with a very hardy voice with a very clearly seen cleaver on his side and other people behind him eyeing crow down with swords as well.
  18. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    (No he was a trader before everything happend to the kingdoms.)
  19. PrarieMan

    Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

    Crane sits in his ships quarters,"Why dies this have to happen, when I was a trader I had a great life until this happend I new the king would help he owed me a lot and that death is so annoying if only I knew he was on the ship I could have avoided this, I must give my men a talk before the day."