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  1. Boscar Saldsea

    Realistic or Modern a long, and arduous, journey (apocalypse RP)

    Boskar sat in his sedan, reflecting on the past. Glowing ashes crackled in the fire next to the car as he stepped back inside. He was in a small suburb in Massachusetts, U.S and heading west. It was the only place he could go. He fished the rusted keys out of his pocket and slid them into the...
  2. Boscar Saldsea

    Realistic or Modern a long, and arduous, journey (apocalypse RP)

    (Please like/dislike my post to approve!)
  3. Boscar Saldsea

    Realistic or Modern a long, and arduous, journey (apocalypse RP)

    Full Name: Boskar Saldsea Age: 28 Gender: Male Brief History: Boskar was born in London, England. He worked at a voulentary job with the RSPCA for 4 years before moving to Boston, U.S. A recruitment agent liked the way Boskar acted and asked him to do a training course for the Millitary...
  4. Boscar Saldsea

    Realistic or Modern A Survival Story... (Zombie Apoc RP)

    Please accept or deny Kayla
  5. Boscar Saldsea

    Realistic or Modern A Survival Story... (Zombie Apoc RP)

    Appearance: Name: Boskar Saldsea Gender: Male Age: 28 Personality: Boskar allways tries to keep the peace and uses his gun as a last resort. He is friendly and gives people another chance. He cares about nature and animals and used to be a member of the RSPCA before...
  6. Boscar Saldsea

    Realistic or Modern Swiftwood High School

    Name - Boskar Saldsea Age - 24 Species - Human Gender - Male Sexuality - Hetrosexual Magic - None Crush - None Biography - He was born in London, England and travelled to Swiftwood University to achive a qualification. His father and younger sister were killed along with 12...
  7. Boscar Saldsea


    Hi! I'm Boscar and I recently stumbled upon this website. I am used to doing serious GMOD PERP Roleplay (Pulsar Effect RolePlay). So I have some good experience. I like werewolf/modern RPs and like acting as the peacekeeper.