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  1. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi smiled, "Nice to meet you too," she seemed to have most of the energy out of her system. "Saity, we forgot to look at our dorm match ups," she said looking at the paper. She started to look scared.....again.. "Saity, why does the headmaster hate us?" she asked grabbing ahold of his sleeve...
  2. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi was about to answer when the conversation had been interrupted by an announcement. Both Aimi and Saito got up and faced Aki, "What's your name?" Aimi said before she left the classroom. "I'm Aimi Yamada, and this is Saity- I mean Saito," she corrected herself so that the same mistake of...
  3. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    "Are you okay?" Aimi quickly took her hands off of the girl when she started to hold her head. She looked more worried than she had been when she rammed Saito's head in a wall eight times. Aimi's attention had been caught by the freezing desk and was followed by a gasp, "Your an ice user too???"...
  4. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi ran back to Saito who saved a seat for her. She looked to her right at Saito then to the left to see who she was sitting next to. It was the girl with the short, red hair. She was up next; Aimi watched her violin performance and couldn't keep up due to how fast the song was. She was a bit...
  5. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Saito slowly made his way to the piano, while Aimi stopped her crying. All of a sudden, Aimi was in the corner, "S-Saity ignored me...." Now people would have to ignore the fact that she was mumbling in the corner. Saito sat on the bench in front of the piano and gave a sigh. He just started...
  6. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    "Well, I could sing and my brother could play piano-" Aimi started to say and then realized that the teacher told them no. She started to cry, "But, but, but, but, but, but, but," she continued to repeat. Saito spoke over her sister, "Well, okay, but as my sister said, I can play piano.... do...
  7. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    "Go next?..." Aimi said with a puzzled look. "Oh to sing?!" she hopped up in excitement, "I can sing! But, I'm not gonna do it without Saity," she said with a smile towards the teacher. Saito really didn't want to go up; he knew how to play a couple of instruments, but he never had much...
  8. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi looked at the girl who was singing in front of the class and her eyes sparkled, "That was beautiful!!!" She ran up to the girl and held her hands, "Very beautiful!" Saito then heard a headband fall near the back of the classroom. But, by the time he even looked, Aimi moved on from the...
  9. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi looked at Saito taking him away from his conversation, "Saity...." Aimi looked like she was about to blow.. They had still been holding hands, but the grip even tighter by the second. They left the office as the girl left and looked at their schedule, "SAITY I GOT AN IDEA! I CAN JUST GO TO...
  10. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Saito slightly chuckled, "It's actually Saito, my sis just likes calling me that." He rubbed the back of his head, "Er... Nice to meet you too?" He wasn't as formal as the girl and decided to shake hands. He put his hand out in front of him while Aimi was awaiting for the headmasters answer...
  11. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    (Well, I actually have to go, I'll be back on 16-17 hours, g'night.. Also, sorry for posting ooc in ic :P )
  12. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    "Aimi Yamada," she said while trying to copy her bow but almost falling. "And this is Saity!" Aimi said grabbing hold of his hand. Aimi gave herself permission to take a look at Charlotte's schedule. "Hmmmm, you got two classes with Saity and none with me.." she said with a sad tone. Then, the...
  13. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    "Yeah, I guess you're r-" Saito had been cut off once again. "Exactly, I'm the orange, and he's the apple.. Someone gets us! We are exactly alike." she gave a nod of approvable to her own sentence. Saito gave a light chuckle as Aimi finished speaking. "Yup, exactly," he said while putting...
  14. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi turned her complete attention to the girl, "What? Of course! Don't you see the resemblance?" she said while grabbing Saito's hair and pulling him down to her height. They had looked completely different. "Ow..." Saito mumbled as he rubbed his head. "Warning next time would be nice.."...
  15. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Aimi questioned with a shaky voice, "Can't we have a schedule change or something????????" They both looked hopeful seeing how the headmaster seemed to be nice. Aimi pulled out the ol' puppy dog eyes, and Saito tried following her lead. He usually wouldn't pull something like this, but he was...
  16. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Saito and Aimi looked at the other student in the room as their papers were passed to them. "Okay!" Aimi said with excitement in her voice. But first, they looked at their schedules. They each memorized it then traded schedules with each other. They always had the same...
  17. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Saito and his sister had been running extremely late to school. They entered the school gates and took a quick look around. "Saity! This place is huge!" Aimi shrieked as her eyes sparkled. Saito smiled slightly seeing how excited his sister was, "Yeah, let's just head inside before it gets any...
  18. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Alimarea Academy

    Name: Saito Yamada Gender: Male Age: 17 Species: Demon Powers: The ability to construct Illusions The ability to summon things into his possession Enhanced strength, speed and senses Personality: Saito is kind, caring and friendly; though he usually only shows this side around...
  19. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Elemental war

    Saito had been in the room quite a while leaning against the wall. He was not against the idea, nor with the idea. Saito always wondered why they were in war with humans....We had powers and they didn't.... We could end them in two seconds, if it weren't for there being so many of them. His...
  20. xX Insanity Xx

    Fantasy Elemental war

    Name: Saito Yamada Age: 17 Gender: Male Power: The ability to construct Illusions. (Is that allowed?) Bio: Will be revealed throughout the rp. Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-30_17-38-39.png.d8ce83bbbdc8bd4f767225c83096b380.png"...