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  1. Synthessence

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    Ah, sounds fun then! That doesn't the answer of whether or not there is room left. Is it a home brewed game, or does it work on a system? And, for that matter, what is the system (if it IS a system) and can I access it on the interwebz?
  2. Synthessence

    The Darkening - Fresh Recruits

    Aw man, step away from the internet for a few days and someone suggests an awesome concept while you're not looking! This sounds like some good fun. Are there still slots open? I don't know the setting exactly, but I'm pretty quick on the draw. :D
  3. Synthessence


    I AM DISGUISED PERFECTLY. :P Yes! Yes yes, the book is amazingly epic. I love how their charms are completely different than every other Solar. Charms are actually cool.
  4. Synthessence


    I highly suggest it. The Alchemicals are wonderfully different from all the other Exalt types, and the setting is really unique. Totally worth it.
  5. Synthessence


    Ah, thank you! Well, until then, I suppose, I'll just dig my head back into the Alchemicals Book. :D
  6. Synthessence


    Which thread should I keep an eye on for any new Exalted games opening up? The Announcement thread?
  7. Synthessence


    Glad I could help someone move up the totem pole. Edit: Upon looking at the page, it seems that other than the brawl and volley ball threads (volley ball?), that ALL of the threads are closed. So, what, no new games going on right now?
  8. Synthessence


    Narp, my password is all nice and changed now. I'm working on getting a pic set up and what not, that way you guys don't think I'm a very clever bot in disguise... Also! I'm reading over the 'status' page for the games, and it looks like the vast majority of them are closed. :'(
  9. Synthessence


    I didn't see a 'introduce yourself here' thread (though there is always a great chance that I simply missed it) so I felt inclined to make one of my own. Go-go rocket-post! That is, er, Hi! I'm Synthessence, and despite the mechanically inspired mentality of my name, I assure you that I am...