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  1. Wolfiequeen715

    Redwood High

    accepted accepted accepted
  2. Wolfiequeen715

    Realistic or Modern Redwood High

    Orion unlocked the door to his dorm. He stepped in and looked around, it looked like his roommate had not arrived yet. There are two desks on either side of the room with chairs and a medium sized dresser next to them. A bathroom is to the right of the room, a small couch in the middle of the...
  3. Wolfiequeen715

    Redwood High

    @Aqua ok just sign up
  4. Wolfiequeen715

    The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Hey. So I really like your RP but the characters you have listed are taken could I make up one or should I look else where?
  5. Wolfiequeen715

    Realistic or Modern Redwood High

    Orion got off of the plane as he was the only other passenger in the small blue plane. They landed and he smiled big as he looked out the window at the beautiful campus. The airport was part of the school. He saw other planes landing as well as his own. He unbuckled his seat belt. The pilot came...
  6. Wolfiequeen715

    Realistic or Modern Redwood High

    (@gousse89 yea sure of course just sign up in the character sign up
  7. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    "Oh...ok." *Nyla was quiet think about Toma and how terrible that would be if his father had died.*
  8. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    "No he can't die!" Nyla says, "Does he need blood? Could that help?"
  9. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    "What do you mean there's nothing we can do? " Nyla's voice became more worried.
  10. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    Nyla takes her coffee and goes back to that Dracula has fainted again. "Oh no! Not again..." Ny sets her cup down and runs to go find Dracula's father, she finds him in another room talking to someone. "Drac fainted again. I thought I should tell you."
  11. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    "Ok, good to know." *Nyla walks out the door not bothering to ask where the kitchen is because she wants to be alone. She walks down the corridors and uses her enhanced sense of smell to find the kitchen. She walks in and looks around.* Wow. Nice kitchen. *she finds the coffee pot and starts...
  12. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    *Nyla gets up* "Thank you Ioan, *Nyla pauses* Hey Drac? Do vampires ever drink anything besides blood? I'm curious."
  13. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    "Thankyou, I haven't had that dream for a few months now it's terrifying." Her face falls for a second and her eyes widen a little. Then she wipes that look off her face realizing that she shouldn't let her guard down entirely. "Do you happen to know where I can find a coffee pot?"
  14. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    *Nyla shook her head and then said* I haven't fallen asleep in two weeks because of that and because I've been constantly running. *she smiles at Toma as he gets into his wheel chair.*
  15. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    *nyla wiped her tears away and looked at Dracula who's forehead was bleeding.* I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have fallen asleep.
  16. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    *Ny smiled a little and looked at the father and son asleep next to each other. It made her sad reminding her of Qwen again. Her only version of a parental relationship she's ever had. She was always thinking about him but it's been along time since she really actually remembered him. So she...
  17. Wolfiequeen715

    Redwood High

  18. Wolfiequeen715

    Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

    Ny sighs and says jokingly "Oh great now I have to watch what I think as well as what I say...I trust you Dracula..." *her voice fades off and she looks down because she never trusts anyone or says anything like that to anyone, not since Qwen...* (You hear her thoughts and you know she means it...
  19. Wolfiequeen715

    Realistic or Modern Redwood High

    ...Now, he is actually here at the school that will probably save his life. " Thank you.." he whispered up at the sky hopefully towards his mom. *He lifts up his bag and his back pack and heads towards his basis room, he looks at his sheet of paper, "Um...873." he said out loud as he opened the...
  20. Wolfiequeen715

    Redwood High

    Name: Orion Alexander Wezley Age: 16 Grade: 10 Program Area(s): 1.) Battle tactics 2.) Art 3.)Sports 4.) mechanical technologies Sex - Male Sexual Preference: Pansexual Back story: Orion has an abusive step father who he constantly is running away from. His real dad died when he...