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  1. Bobbles

    Realistic or Modern Chokuro Highschool (Anime)

    Name:Maximus Void Gender:Male Height:5.4 weight:109 Appearance: Short Black hair,Leather Coat,Blue Jeans, Black and Red Tennis Shoes Personality:Enjoys Making Friends but hates being the center of attention usually likes listening to music and his friends stories, Kinda shy...
  2. Bobbles

    Futuristic Supernatural Elite Academy for the Gifted

    name:Maximus Void Age: 16 Gender:Male Appearance: wears a long trench coat , Blue Jeans, boots, and wild black hair Bio: When he was 10 years old A secret Government society Tracked down him and his family There Mission was to kill everyone in his town they murdered his family with him...
  3. Bobbles

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    Maximus walks off to a tree hoping to stay out of sight as possible Bites into a a bbq sandwich "delicious" he thought
  4. Bobbles

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    in my bio I stated that I was 15 and my regeneration depends on my wounds (say you stab me with a kitchen knife I will easilly regen but a nuclear warhead will be a 98% percent cchance I will die(depending on the warhead)
  5. Bobbles

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    "so this is the school" he thought in his head " huh Not bad
  6. Bobbles

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    name: Maximus Void Race: satan's son bio: when he was 5 yrs old his adoptive mother (Which he did not know about ) Died from a mysterious cause. alone in the world he was encounter by a mysterious man In which case he called himself Tom of whome he descibed to himself was a friend of his...
  7. Bobbles

    MLP Rp

    Hay I would like to join (: