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  1. Turteltee

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    When I first moved to Germany, my host grandmother had a tea in her cabinet called Turteltee. It was supposed to be a tea for people in love. Something about that sang to me and I have used it ever since.
  2. Turteltee

    Literature What are you reading at the moment?

    I just finished The Last Graduate from the Scholomance series by Naomi Novik. It'll probably be a while for the next one to come out. Right now I am reading Uprooted also by Naomi Novik.
  3. Turteltee

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi there! I am kinda doing a reintroduction. I registered here in 2019, but it wasn't the right time to start roleplaying I guess and I almost immediately stopped. After a little bit of growing and not only getting into university but also being in my 3rd year, I am ready to jump back in the...
  4. Turteltee

    Multiple Settings Looking for a Partner : )

    What kind of era do you like? One of my favorites is Scotland before the Jacobite Rising (i'm a big fan of Outlander), but I'm really up for almost any era.
  5. Turteltee

    Multiple Settings Looking for a Partner : )

    I would love to hear them!
  6. Turteltee

    Multiple Settings Looking for a Partner : )

    I love historical romance! I mean, some slow burn romance based in the 20s-40s would be amazing. Do you have anything in mind?
  7. Turteltee


    Thank you very much!
  8. Turteltee

    Multiple Settings Looking for a Partner : )

    Hiya! I haven't roleplayed in a long time but I am looking for a possible partner(s) to get me back into the groove. Although I haven't roleplayed in about a year, I used to roleplay daily for 9 other years of my life. It used to be really cringey, but I think I write a lot better now, although...
  9. Turteltee


    Hi there! My name is Turteltee (I mean you can call me Turtel or Tee, I'm not too choosy). I am a 19 year old American living in Germany and I also know how to read and write in Spanish (my speaking is lacking now that I'm almost speaking German full time). I started roleplaying almost over 10...