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  1. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    Vaelem gave a brisk nod to Skyre before sheathing his sword and moving towards the edge of the clearing. He found several large branches and laid them in an arrow formation, pointing in the direction they'd be heading. Using the tip of his sword, he wrote out the words, "REGROUP - DOWNSTREAM,"...
  2. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    The second wave of the shadow hounds had left Vaelem's limbs feeling heavy as millstones, and he himself felt a bit like a lumbering giant. He'd fought at the mutts to the point of exhaustion, cleaving and rending their wispy forms with broad slashes of his glinting greatsword. He had no...
  3. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    Vaelem sheathed his broadsword across his back before crossing his now exhausted arms. He ran an eye over the people he had chosen to fight alongside. They made a fairly ragtag group, looking like the strangest band of survivors he'd ever laid eyes on. A skinny young man with flaming red hair...
  4. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    "Pleased. To. Meet. You," Vaelem grunted brusquely through each swing of his two-hander as he cleaved several shadow hounds from the entrance of the house. His endurance was beginning to fail him and each swing seemed to replace his limbs with lead. His fur coat billowed as he swept through the...
  5. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    Vaelem watched as his battle ally tore through several more hounds. He charged forward and let loose a devastating sideswipe with his two-handed blade, clearing several hounds from his path to the door. As more moved in to close the gap, Vaelem's deep voice called out, "See if you can get...
  6. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    After cleaving the first hound, Vaelem returned his sword to his broad shoulder in haste. His entrance into the clearing had caught the attention of the dogs on the fringes of the pack. Three broke away immediately and loped in his direction, a trio of swirling, inky forms. Vaelem distanced his...
  7. Windnotes

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    The constant gurgle of a small brook occupied the sandy bank Vaelem sat upon. He knelt at the water's edge, watching the calm waters flood into his canteen. He'd been following the brook for several days now, making camp along its shores and trying his luck at catching a fish or two. He found...
  8. Windnotes

    ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    User: Windnotes Name: Vaelem Minvil Age: 27 Appearance: Vaelem stands around six foot with a thick, muscular build. His thick brown locks are usually pulled back into a pony-tail, with a few strands loose and framing his face. Deep-set eyes peer from beneath his heavy brow. His features...