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  1. theros


    @theros, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  2. theros


    @theros, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  3. theros


    @theros, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  4. theros

    Fantasy Contrast

    You wake up in a white room. There was a strange dream. You were walking. There was blackness all around you. and then there was a light. A beautiful light. Compelled, you followed it. You entered it, and now you are here. Here. Where is here? All around you is white. A white wall here, a...
  5. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    (I have to get off :( But I shall be back. and then can we fight the monster at my bed and breakfast?)
  6. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    An explosion rocked the bed and breakfast, big enough to see across the neighborhood
  7. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    I walked into the soup kitchen. Still nothing, and then I saw the open trapdoor to my cellar. "crud"
  8. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    A loud crash from Doveshire's kitchen was heard, and I braced myself.
  9. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    I walked into the bed and breakfast, noticing that all my customers and employees were absent. Instinctively, I took out my gem and readied for battle
  10. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    Noticing elizabith was very young, Defline stepped out from his hiding spot, and placed a coupon within the mailbox. "there we go, more customers, more income." Defline turned around and went back to the Doveshire bed-and-breakfast
  11. theros

    your gem [Inactive]

    Defline strolled down the street, towards the Doveshire bed-and-breakfast. "what a miserably wonderful day." his void gem sat in his pocket, waiting for a chance of use. He noticed he had gone the wrong way, towards a manor that towered across the the houses. just then he heard people coming "oh...
  12. theros

    Hi, I'm new obviously

    Welcome, fellow newbie! Welcome to the greatest place for RP! I have only been on for 30 mins, and I already Like it! Hope you enjoy!
  13. theros

    your gem

    Me too, I just started this site but oh well.
  14. theros

    your gem

    Name: defline Gender: Male Gem color: blood red, with black swirls Transformation: grows to 8 feet, grows spiked plates from his shoulders, spikes generate in his hands, noticeable blood red eyes. How did He obtain it?: His friend Maddie gave it to him as a birthday present, thinking it was...
  15. theros

    Join my epic quest in the land of Taqaria

    I wish to be a dimensional entity, That has been pulled out of his pocket dimension by... Who knows what? I have great villain ideas e.g. malforce, quarintine. I AM NEW!!! so don't yell at me too much ok?