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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz Stirlitz pulls himself to his feet and looks around his lab, trying to determine the scope of the damage to his equipment. He then realigns what's working and points it down once more, checking the readings as he goes along, trying to determine what is going on outside.
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz Stirlitz notices that the intercom goes offline and finds Sydney. "Sydney, I know we need more speed, but the intercom is important. We should all be able to talk to each other as new information becomes available." He then goes back to his cabin to continue the number crunching...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz "I think we should get moving as fast as possible. And we need that extraction ship here ASAP. Besides, we should all now stay in our rad suits anyway, above or below the surface. Stirlitz goes back to his cabin and continues to monitor the instruments. Forcing his fear down and...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz After a few moments of just breathing, Stirlitz hits the intercom. "I'll be in my lab." He then makes way to his instruments. He's far more interested in what they will tell him than in the course of the ship. Besides, he can always get the ship's course and other info from the...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz "Understood." Stirlitz ducks and waits for the all clear signal from Cyan. After the wave passes, he detaches himself from the deck and, overcoming his desire to stay in the open, reenters the sub.
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz Battered and bruised from the waves, Stirlitz takes a moment to reply. "That may be a good idea." Stirlitz slaps at the brake button on the instrument while crouched behind the protective wall. He is very disoriented. The combined effect of his medicine and being tossed around by...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz As everyone starts to unclip and head for the hatch, Stirlitz says, "If no one minds, I'll stay up here for a while. Just until we're sure we can determine our correct course and are ready to dive." Stirlitz would like to maximize his time topside. If no one wants to stay with...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz "Yes, Lily. Calibrate the lens." Stirlitz likes Lily. She gets right to the point with him and usually doesn't waste time on idle chatter. And she is usually very clear about what she wants and what she does. He finds her the easiest to understand and interact with. As may be...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

    Stirlitz Pausing briefly, Stirlitz gives Captain Red a blank stare. Why is this person always meddling where he's not needed?, he thinks, genuinely puzzled. Clearly I'm doing the job correctly and efficiently. He then returns to concentrating on his work, trying to finish the calibration before...
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]

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    Thomas Red [Sol Olympus]

    Stubborne's character can be found here:
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    Poseidon [Sol Olympus]
