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  1. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights Character Sheets

    EDIT - changed cast to only 5 characters needed. one is reserved for a character so that only leaves one spot left.
  2. Sentaiyo

    i am still doing the rp. i just havent been on in a while. ill probably bump it if no one posts...

    i am still doing the rp. i just havent been on in a while. ill probably bump it if no one posts. we still need 7 more
  3. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights Character Sheets

    much better riddle. accepted :)
  4. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights Character Sheets

    *sigh* i knew the tron bike would appear sooner or later. yknow you don’t have to have a matching suit with the bike. There are a few concept bikes that look like the tron bike if that’s what you’re stuck on. The wall projector, if you want it, has to be on the bike, not a separate gauntlet. It...
  5. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights Character Sheets

    lol its ok. youre accepted :)
  6. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights Character Sheets

    My Character Issue: Name: Kizuato Nakarakuen Age: 20 Sex: Male Date of Birth: November 4th Nationality: born and raised in Japan, but is of Italian background Appearance: 6’1”, 165 lbs Personality: A casual attitude towards most aspects in life, with the exception of...
  7. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights Character Sheets

    Storyline Character Sheet Name: Age: Sex: Date of Birth: (month and day) Nationality: (Japanese, American, German, etc.) Appearance: (tons of detail or otherwise picture. always include height and weight) Personality: (be in depth) Kidnapped Loved One: Weapon...
  8. Sentaiyo

    Street Knights OOC

    Street Knights RP Storyline It’s a race through the cities of Japan in this futuristic thriller. 20 of the greatest motorcyclists in the world have gathered together in Tokyo, the heart of Japan, 10 of which have received email with videos of their loved ones tied up and strapped to...