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  1. Edge of Thornes

    The OOC Thread [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Hey everyone the BBQ is on! The ST brought the ribs! :D Heh, welcome kiddo!
  2. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    OOC no one told me we were posting again :P Results for 6 dice: 3 successes (TN: 7) Was Frost able to talk secretly with her ghost buddy? and why *was* the primordial locked away? Killing Frost narrowed her eyes, "You tell us sad stories," she said, her tone dismissive, for she had...
  3. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost, aware her face was not visable in the Orichalcum armor, clicked her tongue, "And please, no who wronged who tales; both sides have their truth and lies about that conflict, and its all in the past now. I'm not as chaotic as my companion here; I am more abberrant than anarchist, my...
  4. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost waited for the others to go up, offering a boost up if any wanted or needed it, only afterwards enlarging the hole so the Champion of War would fit, which made her a bit late to the party outside. She heard the corrupt Solar's words and frowned, "You are going to have to be more...
  5. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost smiled at her ghostly follower as they move through the underground, "I am glad to see you came through without harm, Kala." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Killing Frost turned to face the demon, it might be harmless to them now but it could warn its friends at the wrong moment, or might...
  6. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost hurried to the Chosen of Luna's side, examining her as best she could while continuing to play the Blood Violin, she would need every point if Alexandra was hurt badly. Once she was sure the wounds were not the aggravated type she carefully bent and pressed her lips to the forehead...
  7. Edge of Thornes

    The OOC Thread [Dreams and Nightmares]

    I just lost the post I was working on (and off) on but locked up, without loading. I thought I had uploaded it (and was editing it) but apparently it was only the preview. So I lost a long post with ooc details for healing, guardian and warstrider. I'll have to try to do it over tomorrow, right...
  8. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost went over to help Alexandra out, examing her wounds as best she was able without putting down the Blood Violin, the points saved might make the difference between life and death, and while she did not fear death, she did not rush to greet it with open arms like some fanatic. The...
  9. Edge of Thornes

    The OOC Thread [Dreams and Nightmares]

    hey before when I used OOC thread no one saw it/answered I just wanted to make sure no one was waiting on me. My idea had been making a spell (or charm I often forget there is a difference actually lol) that with the 5 dot discount would drop to the one point we had found we could manage...
  10. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    OOC Sherwood, all the spells are 10+ motes, the ones with fewer points turn out to all be charms which generally isn't the way I want her to go (if we had M/F in first age I would have taken briget's heir :P ) while she might pick up some charms right now she'd be more interested in Socerery...
  11. Edge of Thornes

    From the Bottom of the Hole [Dreams and Nightmares]

    ooc sorry folks had issues with comp (randomly disconnects from internet, which its still doing, sometimes cured by restarting, sometimes have to reset moden, very annoying) and logging on this site (auto log in didn't work and it didn't like my password(s) then had trouble with Haku not getting...
  12. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost shrugged as she carefully stowed her small teapot and matching cup, "Likely the only Solar Chosen, true enough, however what I meant was another Exalt in a more general sense, Alexandria. Dragon Blooded might not be the warriors and scholars that Solar and Lunar Chosen are but they...
  13. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost smiled at the dead pair, "That is helpful, Nubella," she said, glancing at Raxom to include him in the praise, "Do either of you recall seeing that particular Celestrial before? Or heard a name?" Frost would ask the pair about general layout, how to get to where Kittie had seen the...
  14. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost gestured for him to stand, "I am White Snow on Gree Bamboo of Sijan," she told them, "known more commonly as Killing Frost, I would like to hear your stories of what happened today. The Lunar Chosen saw damage here, saw survivors helping other survivors, now it is as if it never...
  15. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost frowned at the hillside, she didn't give Kittie a hard time about seeing something no one else did, after all Frost did it all the time. She sighed, but instead of poking about the rocks like the others she turned her sight to other places. With the destruction Kittie had described...
  16. Edge of Thornes

    The OOC Thread [Dreams and Nightmares]

    trust you ... hmmmm.... can we get back to you on that one?....
  17. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost surfaced from her trance when Kittie zipped by her ear, yet she had no comeback for the Lunar Chosen having other, more serious thoughts on her mind, "We may have bigger problems than whether the survivors understand to turn off the guns," she said, shivering, "Look inside...
  18. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    With Kittie off sneaking, and already armed and armored, Killing Frost found a comfortable spot out of the line of fire, "Let me know when she returns, or if something happens, I'm going to meditate for as long as possible," she said, whether to her companions or to one of the somethings Frost...
  19. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    "One can only go by previous experience when judging the likelihood of one's companions," Killing Frost started off mock pompiously, mimicking one of their teachers, then grinning, "keeping her hot little fingers out of the loot." Frost stuck out her tongue at Kittie, "Give it a try then, but...
  20. Edge of Thornes

    With Every Answer, a New Question [Dreams and Nightmares]

    Killing Frost frowned, "The energy that hit us before the first attack felt like something Primordial, if there is some sort of ... leak, and the Primordials have found a way to take over the island's Manse," she mused, her eyes flickering around their surroundings, "we may find those very...