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  1. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely   "Indeed, I would like to observe, if possible." Frank dons a pair of nitrile gloves and a face mask. "Doc - remind me please, did you find anything under her finger nails?" Massive blood loss.  Unless it happened in a rush, there should be evidence of either...
  2. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely   Exsanguination.  Shit.  No obvious entry wound for massive blood loss.  How deep did that puncture go?  Was there an artery back there?  I don't remember.  No visible marks...wait a moment. "Doctor.  Did you do a tox screen on the decedent?  I know that we arrived...
  3. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely Standing about the clinic, Frank noted the electronic music, and frowned.  So, the good doctor has A) no sense of humor, B) a true sense of the gravity of this situation, or C) knows something.  My money is on C. "Did you find anything unusual when you looked at the decedents?"
  4. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    Thanks Grey. The year 2016 can be done tomorrow, and I would be thrilled. Dwerth
  5. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    I need to apologize for my absence.  Real life has been hard the past month or so.  That said, I have returned, and will be catching up in the next couple days. Dwerth
  6. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely "Good afternoon sheriff." Frank speaks as he stands easy.  Focus Frank, you have to focus.  You know your mission.  Don't let Ice Queen or Mt. Rushmore over there get to you.  Just another case.  Just another soul gone too early.  We know that we have one dead and now two...
  7. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely "Good day agents.  Getting out of the office for a change?" Frank then turns back towards the local deputies, doing his best to ignore the agents, specifically the pretentious ice queen. "Deputy Fisher, Deputy Malloy," Frank says as he shakes their hands in turn. "Good to...
  8. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely With a tip of his wide brimmed patrol hat, Frank began to shake the deputy's hand: "Deputy Scranton, good to meet you.  The ride out was better than some I have had, true enough.  I hate to rush, but how is the town handling this?  Has there been any other information gleaned...
  9. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    You just need to somehow put all your analyses, reviews etc on Youtube, using that as a springboard for monetization, with links to your written work and Patreon page.
  10. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    Good luck on the job hunting Grey.
  11. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    Sorry it took me a while to get back and posting.  Had a long weekend of work to do.
  12. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely "None of those are the worst type.  The worst type is the true sociopath, the one who kills because it amuses him to see his victims suffer.  And it isn't the ones who he kills who he watches suffer.  The vilest monster will kill to watch his true victims suffer - the family...
  13. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely Frank looks quietly out the window for a moment, gazing at something only he can see, gears churning over the situation.  What did he know about the death?  Not much as of yet, only that some poor girl met her Maker decades too soon.  That, and the fact that small towns hold...
  14. Dwerth

    Overture: Out of Towners

    Frank Mosely Frank curses lightly as he wraps his left hand with gauze and some hydrogen peroxide from the first aid kit in the cruiser. "Damn that tree branch.  I need to be more careful". Wincing, he ties off the gauze, tearing the material with his teeth. Frank turns to the detective...
  15. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    Most of my posts will be during my shift when the calls are slow.  One of the fun parts of working from home.
  16. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    Vaneheart, you must learn to contain your excitement. Then again... Cue mood music: "Let the bodies hit the floor..."
  17. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    You don't vote for your king!
  18. Dwerth

    The Diner - OOC

    Questions have been answered.  Pizza has been eaten.
  19. Dwerth

    Frank Mosely

    Game Stats: Mortal: Frank Mosley Player: Dwerth Chronicle: Visitations Concept: Beaten down cop Virtue: Justice Vice: Greed Mortal Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2 Wits 3 Resolve 2 Physical Attributes: Strength 2 Dexterity 3 Stamina 3 Social Attributes: Presence 2...
  20. Dwerth


    Ugh, I hate moving. I did that twice last year (to temp housing, then to new house).