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  1. OdysseyImperfect

    Hey Randy, It's barren because few are insane/bored enough to listen to the ramblings of a mad...

    Hey Randy, It's barren because few are insane/bored enough to listen to the ramblings of a mad imp. Also, If my pic is screaming to you it may be wise to grab some ear-plugs. I'm told it can be quite loud on occasion.
  2. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Thane korinio I've enjoyed this RP thus far, but I would recommend specifying the balance of talents/complications or limit to maybe 3-5 each. I would also recommend giving each person enough food for one day if you don't want to start with everyone immediately trying to scrounge or starve.
  3. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    I'm still alive, but shit is hitting the fan for me at record breaking speeds. Sorry, but I probably won't be able to post for a few weeks until this ends. I should be able to return some time in late April or early May (provided I haven't had a complete mental breakdown or burst into flames)...
  4. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    At the moment I should be fine. I was having some scheduling problems last week or so due to a variety of circumstances, but hopefully things have calmed down. If this status changes I'll send word.
  5. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Thank you. Hopefully nothing else terribly unexpected pops up in the immediate future. (If it does though, I'll say something.)
  6. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Okay, I'm back. Apologies again, this week has been more hellish than usual.
  7. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Thane Korinio For the Farah piece, whichever you want to do is fine (I'm not terribly picky at this moment), I just want to know which one you go with so we're on the same page. For the "skip to next day" piece, I'm fine with going to the next day since Elephantom wants to do it and I'm not...
  8. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Thane Korinio Just to clarify, Dale was asking if Farah wanted the shift after his. Dale is still on his shift at the moment, but he was asking her if she wanted to take over when he began to get sleepy. Though if we jump to the next day I suppose ^ doesn't really matter.
  9. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Hearing a set of foot steps approaching his position Dale quietly moved back down the stairs and returned to his perch by the window. Taking a moment to enjoy the last of the remaining lemon candies Dale glanced back towards the entrance to the 'living room' as he thought "Even without the full...
  10. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    No problem.
  11. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Glancing back at Joe, Dale replied "Suit yourself, I'm a tad more concerned about what's around this pharmacy rather than the building itself. Usually pharmacies have a number of other shops around them, often a few restaurants, grocery shops, and a number of other stores, especially within...
  12. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Okay then. I've posted, sorry if it's a tad short, I may be a bit out-of-synch at the moment since I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep and 4 Dr. Peppers.
  13. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Still retaining the practiced smirk, Dale thought "Even in this frigid wasteland, there are already too many blood suckers out there." as his gaze settled on the can of beans. Moments later his fingers flicked through the knife's tool set before finally unfolding a small can opener. Furrowing...
  14. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Thane Korino How many candies are actually left in that box? I think two have been consumed thus far and at least one has just been offered.
  15. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    "A Caitruvdeamon soldier, a Migir traveler, and a Dosil mechanic walk into a house during a snow storm... sounds like the start of a bad joke." Dale thought as he folded his knife back and placed it back into his pocket. Rolling his eyes briefly at Dimitri's comment, he closed the front door...
  16. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Elephantom It appears I have misjudged the situation so I'm sorry. Do you have any idea what is causing the notification problem?
  17. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Anyone else getting tired of waiting? Elephantom seems to be busy with 3 other RP's (judging by the "recent activity" of their profile), and there hasn't been a new post "In Character RP" on WHFO (When Hell Freezes Over) for about a week. What course of action would you like to pursue @Thane...
  18. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    Thank you for the update. The contract just requires you to sign over your soul (or another soul within your possession) to me (or one of my minions) and the resurrections should continue as long as I have some presence remaining on this realm.
  19. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Thane Korino @Shiki Kenju @Elephantom Are you guys still alive or did you fail to renew the resurrection contract? Additionally, Thane you may wish to check out the character sign up, there's been another newcomer.
  20. OdysseyImperfect

    Realistic or Modern When Hell Freezes Over

    @Thane Korino Hope the last post hasn't triggered any issues of instant actions. If it has, go ahead guillotine me, illness has already laid me quite low this week so you'd be doing me a favor.